And now a word, in uncouth rhyme
現在我要說一些話,不是特別押韻 Of what shall be in future time 關於將來會發生的事情 Then
upside down the world shall be 世界將會顛倒 And gold found at the root of tree
樹根下會有黃金(煤石油) All England's sons that plough the land
今天所有在土地上耕耘的英格蘭人的子孫 Shall oft be seen with Book in hand 將僅在書本中出現
The poor shall now great wisdom know 窮人將具有偉大的智慧 Great houses stand
in farflung vale 巨大的房屋將在山谷中拔地而起 All covered o'er with snow and hail
上面覆蓋著雪和冰雹 A carriage without horse will go 不用馬拉的車自己會跑 Disaster
fill the world with woe. 災難為整個世界帶來悲傷 In London, Primrose Hill shall be
在倫敦,Primrose Hill(一座小山)將會是 In centre hold a Bishop's See
教皇視野的中心(教皇住在面向Primrose Hill 的位置) Around the world men's thoughts will
fly 這個世界上的人的思想開始飛翔 Quick as the twinkling of an eye. 快得就像眨一下眼睛
And water shall great wonders do 水將會起到巨大的作用(水利發電) How strange. And
yet it shall come true. 非常奇怪。然而這將成為現實。 Through towering hills proud men
shall ride 人將會乘坐像塔一樣的小山(電梯) No horse or ass move by his side.
他的身邊沒有馬也沒有驢作為動力 Beneath the water, men shall walk 在水下,人們可以行走
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. 可以騎馬,可以睡覺,甚至說話 And in the
air men shall be seen 在空中會看到人的身影 In white and black and even green
白種人,黑種人,甚至是綠種人 A great man then, shall come and go 這是一個偉大的時代,將會很快的結束
For prophecy declares it so. 這是因為預言它將如此 In water, iron, then shall
float 在水中,鋼鐵也會浮起(潛水艇) As easy as a wooden boat 就像木頭做的小舟 Gold
shall be seen in stream and stone 河流和石頭中將出現黃金 In land that is yet
unknown. 在那個尚未知道的大陸 And England shall admit a Jew 英國將會接受猶太人(猶太宗教)
You think this strange, but it is true 你認為這很奇怪,但是這是事實 The Jew that
once ws held in scorn 猶太人曾經被人輕視 Shall of a Christian then be born.
一個基督徒將會誕生 A house of glass shall come to pass 玻璃做的房子將會出現 In
England. But Alas, alas 在英格蘭和所有地方 A war will follow with the work
一場戰爭將會隨之到來 Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk 在異教徒和土耳其人居住的地方
These states will lock in fiercest strife 這些大陸將會緊閉於猛烈的衝突 And seek to
take each others life. 並試著結束對方的生命 When North shall thus divide the south
當北方分割南方(南北戰爭) And Eagle build in Lions mouth 鷹會在獅子的口中創立(美國:1776年建立)
Then tax and blood and cruel war 然後沉重的賦稅,鮮血和殘酷的戰爭 Shall come to
every humble door. 將會在每家每戶降臨 Three times shall lovely sunny France
法國將會有三次陽光 Be led to play a bloody dance 被引導上血的狂舞之路 Before the
people shall be free 在人們被解放之前 Three tyrant rulers shall she see.
三個殘暴的統治者將會出現 Three rulers in succession be 三個統治者一脈相承(三個朝代連續)
Each springs from different dynasty. 每一個都有不同的命運 Then when the
fiercest strife is done 當劇烈的衝突結束 England and France shall be as one.
英格蘭和法國將會成為一體 The British olive shall next then twine 不列顛的橄欖枝將會被傳遞
In marriage with a german vine. 以一種和德國人的葡萄枝擰成一股的形式 Men walk beneath
and over streams 人們將會在溪流上下漫步 Fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams.
他們奇異的夢想將會實現 For in those wondrous far off days 關於那些遙遠未來的日子 The
women shall adopt a craze 女人將會接受瘋狂的想法 To dress like men, and trousers
wear 她們穿著如同男人,甚至穿著褲子(這對於那個時代的人是不可想像的) And to cut off their locks of hair
而且放開了她們的髮束 They'll ride astride with brazen brow 她們將會騎上銅製的山脊(摩托車)
As witches do on broomstick now. 就像今天的巫婆騎上掃把一樣 And roaring monsters
with man atop 吼叫的野獸上有人坐著 Does seem to eat the verdant crop
就像是要吃掉清脆的莊家(收割機) And men shall fly as birds do now 人們將會像今天的鳥兒一樣飛翔
And give away the horse and plough. 並將馬和犁徹底的淡忘 There'll be a sign
for all to see 對於所有的人來說,將會有一個明顯的徵兆 Be sure that it will certain be.
可以確信那一定會出現 Then love shall die and marriage cease 愛將會死去婚姻也會停止
And nations wane as babes decrease 國家的衰落是因為嬰兒的減少 And wives shall
fondle cats and dogs 婦人們將會愛撫貓狗一類的寵物 And men live much the same as hogs.
男人們將會變得像公豬 In nineteen hundred and twenty six 在1826年 Build
houses light of straw and sticks. 房屋的構造將是稻草相粘(混凝土結構) For then shall
mighty wars be planned 從那時起將會種下戰爭的種子 And fire and sword shall sweep the
land. 刀光劍影將會席捲大地 When pictures seem alive with movements free
當圖畫看上如同自由活動的真東西(電影) When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,
當小船像魚一樣在水下游泳(潛水艇) When men like birds shall scour the sky
當人們像鳥一樣劃過天空 Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.
這時一半的世界將沉浸在血和死亡之中(二戰) For those who live the century through
對於那些經過這個世紀的人們 In fear and trembling this shall do. 他們害怕並顫抖著 Flee
to the mountains and the dens 逃到高山和洞穴 To bog and forest and wild fens.
逃到沼澤,樹林和野地 For storms will rage and oceans roar 風暴將會發怒海洋將會咆哮
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore 當賈布瑞爾(基督教中所說的的一位天使)站在海邊的時候 And
as he blows his wondrous horn 他吹起了神奇的號角(原子彈) Old worlds die and new be
born. 舊世界從此死去,新世界隨之來到(二戰結束) A fiery dragon will cross the sky
一條火龍將會穿過天空(慧星) Six times before this earth shall die 在大地死亡之前會發生六次
Mankind will tremble and frightened be 整個人類將會害怕到顫栗 for the sixth
heralds in this prophecy. 因為這個預言帶來的第六個預測 For seven days and seven nights
經過七天七夜 Man will watch this awesome sight. 人們將會親歷這個可怕的景象 The
tides will rise beyond their ken 潮水將會浸沒他們的視野(海嘯引起的洪水) To bite away the
shores and then 將海岸線侵蝕 The mountains will begin to roar
此時高山開始怒吼(火山爆發) And earthquakes split the plain to shore. 地震將平原撕裂成海灘
And flooding waters, rushing in 此時洪水湧入 Will flood the lands with
such a din 在這喧囂中淹沒大陸 That mankind cowers in muddy fen 人們將退縮到泥濘的沼澤
And snarls about his fellow men. 並怒罵他們的同類 He bares his teeth and
fights and kills 他露出牙齒拼殺 And secrets food in secret hills 將食物藏在秘密的山頂
And ugly in his fear, he lies 在他的恐懼中變得醜惡,他說謊 To kill marauders,
thieves and spies. 並殺死強盜,小偷和間諜 Man flees in terror from the floods
那些逃離恐怖洪水的人們 And kills, and rapes and lies in blood 仍然在血中殘殺,姦淫和欺騙
And spilling blood by mankinds hands 他們手中滲出的鮮血 Will stain and bitter
many lands 將玷污和侵蝕許多地方 And when the dragon's tail is gone, 當火龍的尾巴消失
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on 人類忘記了,微笑著繼續 To apply himself
- too late, too late 來證明自己 - 太晚了,太晚了 For mankind has earned deserved
fate. 因為人類已經得到了應得的命運 His masked smile - his false grandeur,
他那帶著面具的微笑- 他那虛假的偉大 Will serve the Gods their anger stir. 將會讓眾神感覺氣憤
And they will send the Dragon back 眾神將會將龍遣回 To light the sky - his
tail will crack 來點亮天空 - 它的尾巴將會破裂 Upon the earth and rend the earth
在地面的上方將大地撕碎 And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.
人們將會再次逃竄,無論國王,貴族還是奴僕 But slowly they are routed out 但是漸漸的他們被遣去
To seek diminishing water spout 來尋找逐漸縮小的水源 And men will die of
thirst before 然而人們會在找到之前死亡 The oceans rise to mount the shore.
海水將會升到海岸之上 And lands will crack and rend anew 地面會裂開並再次撕裂 You
think it strange. It will come true. 你認為這很奇異,但這會發生。 And in some far off
distant land 在那些遠離海洋的土地上 Some men - oh such a tiny band 某些人 -
哦,很小的一個種族 Will have to leave their solid mount 將會離開它們堅固的山崗 And span
the earth, those few to count, 跨過陸地,那些僅有的陸地, Who survives this
(unreadable) and then 那些在這個((不可讀):這時原文的意思,可能是被去掉了)中倖存的人們 Begin the human
race again. 將再一次開始人類的歷史 But not on land already there 但已經不在那些現有的土地上
But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare 而是在荒涼,乾燥和裸露的海床 Not every soul
on Earth will die 不是每個地上的靈魂都會死亡 As the Dragons tail goes sweeping
by. 當巨龍的尾巴掃過的時候 Not every land on earth will sink 不是地面上的所有地方都會沉陷
But these will wallow in stench and stink 但那些地方將會被臭味覆蓋 Of rotting
bodies of beast and man 那是腐爛的人和動物的屍體 Of vegetation crisped on land.
以及被撕碎的植被 But the land that rises from the sea 但是從海洋中升起的陸地 Will
be dry and clean and soft and free 將會乾燥清潔柔軟而自由 Of mankinds dirt and
therefore be 相比較於人類的骯髒,那將是 The source of man's new dynasty.
人類新的王朝的起源 And those that live will ever fear 然而那些尚存的人們仍然害怕 The
dragons tail for many year 即便龍的尾巴已經過去多年 But time erases memory
但是時間抹去了記憶 You think it strange. But it will be. 你認為這非常奇怪,但是這將會發生。
And before the race is built anew 然而在整個種族將有重新建立之時 A silver serpent
comes to view 一條銀蛇來到這裡 And spew out men of like unknown 它噴出未知的人種
To mingle with the earth now grown 來混合到地面上人並繁衍 Cold from its heat
and these men can 它的熱卻是冷的,而且這些人能夠 Enlighten the minds of future man.
啟迪未來人的智慧 To intermingle and show them how 來混合併告訴它們如何才能 To live
and love and thus endow 生活並愛,以及完全的給予 The children with the second sight.
具有第二個視野的孩子 A natural thing so that they might 這時如此的自然以至於 Grow
graceful, humble and when they do 謙遜而優美的成長 The Golden Age will start
anew. 黃金時代將會再次到來 The dragon's tail is but a sign 龍的尾巴不僅僅是一個預兆
For mankind's fall and man's decline. 對於人類的墮落 And before this
prophecy is done 當這個預言結束以前 I shall be burned at the stake, at one
我將在一個樹樁上被燒死 My body singed and my soul set free 我的身體被烤焦但是我的靈魂獲得解放
You think I utter blasphemy 你認為我是在褻瀆神明 You're wrong. These things
have come to me 你錯了。這些事情已經發生在我的身上。 This prophecy will come to be.
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