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2009-07-02 05:15:08| 人氣134| 回應2 | 上一篇


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doesn't matter

i can take care of myself
even the world will change
no matter what i want..
ill take it away..

台長: Smile
人氣(134) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 不分類

i miss you..
miss everything we done...
your smile comes up my mind sometimes...
its so beautiful to me...

hope you everything alright...
and take good care yourself...

you might think im changed..
but i know i still the same inside of me...

asshold ill always have your back...lol

i mean nothing just miss you...
2010-02-10 22:21:10
dont know why ....
i still miss you ...
and also scare to remember everything past of you ...

i think i know why you block me out of your world ...

nothing much ... just miss you ...
take good care yourself ...
2010-06-26 15:10:52
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