佛羅倫斯電影獎: 以《海邊的小說家》榮獲最佳導演獎
Florence Film Awards: Best Director for the film "A Novelist by the Sea"
十二個月影展: 《時鐘記》榮獲最佳劇情片獎、《湖的秘密》得最佳編劇獎,並以《L先生》得最佳音效設計獎,《時鐘記》同時也入圍最佳剪輯獎
12 Months Film Festival: "Your Clock", Winner of Best Feature Fiction Award; "Secrets of the Lakes"(Hu de mi mi), Winner of Best Screenwriter Award; "Mr. L", Winner of Best Sound Designer Award; "Your Clock", Nominee of Best Editor Award
South Taiwan Film Festival: "Secrets of the Lakes", Nominee of South Prize, South Competition Award, Experimental Film and New Director Award
Delhi Shorts International Film Festival: "Secrets of the Lakes", Winner of Short Film of Excellence. Nominee of Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Short Film and Best Production Award
Noida International Film Festival: "Mr. L", Winner of Festival Special Mention Award. Nominee of Best Director and Best Actor Award; Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes"
義大利切法盧影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》與《L先生》
Cefalù film festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock" and "Mr. L"
艾蔻影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》
Eko International Film Festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock"
美國獨立製片聚光燈影展: 正式入選影片《湖的秘密》
Indie Spotlight Network Film Festival: Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes"
海德拉巴IWFF影展: 榮獲傑出影片獎《時鐘記》
Hyderabad IWFF: Winner of Excellence Feature Film "Your Clock"
貝南城影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》
Benin City Film Festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock"
賽普勒斯PIEU影展: 正式入選影片《湖的秘密》
Point in the Endless Universe, Cyprus: Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes"
義大利米蘭米莫影展: 正式決賽影片《L先生》; 正式入選影片《湖的秘密》
MiMo Milano Mobile Film Festival: Finalist: "Mr. L", Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes"
聖毛羅影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》
San Mauro Film Festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock"
達達沙赫布·帕爾凱影展: 以《湖的秘密》得最佳影片獎,並入圍最佳導演和最佳製片獎
Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival: Winner of Excellence Feature Film, Nominee of Best Film, Best Director, and Production Award "Secrets of the Lakes"
美國獨立製片國會大廈獎: 正式入選導演《L先生與湖的秘密》
IndieCapitol Awards: Official Selection "Mr. L: Secrets of the Lakes"
亞希夫影展: 正式入選影片《湖的秘密》與《L先生》
ASIFF Film Festival: Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes" and "Mr. L"
國際金獎: 以電影《海邊的小說家》入圍最佳獨立電影劇情片
International Gold Awards: Nominee of Best Indie Feature Film "A Novelist by the Sea"
升空會議影展: 入圍最佳紀錄長片《海邊的小說家》
Lift-Off Sessions Online: Feature Documentary "A Novelist by the Sea"
寬銀幕電影與音樂錄影帶節: 《L先生》入圍榮譽獎
WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival: Nominee of Honorable Mention
EDSU 戲劇比賽: 以《仲夏夜之夢》得最佳男主角獎
EDSU Drama Competition: Winner of Best Actor Award in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
雙溪現代文學獎: 分別以小說《終站》和《鴨嘴獸的故事》兩度得獎
Shuangxi Literary Award for Fiction: "Terminal Station" and "The Story of the Platypus"
鏡文學的推薦排行榜: 以《不是後設小說》得到第一名
Mirror Fiction: Number 1 on Recommendation Chart "It Isn't Metafiction"