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2007-03-22 15:53:54| 人氣607| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

三月二十一日, 春分秋分, 伊朗的新年, 作者: Nicholas V.

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作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1

The Spring (Northern hemisphere) and Autumnal (Southern hemisphere) equinox mark today’s calendar. So officially, it’s the first day of Spring or Autumn, depending on where you are on earth! Traditionally, especially amongst those of Baha’i and Zoroastrian faith, Iran’s New Year begins on this day, with celebrations lasting for 13 days. Rites involving fire are common in Zoroastrianism and to welcome the New Year in, bonfires are lit. Everyone jumps over the flames symbolically leaping into the New Year, while purifying themselves of the previous year’s indiscretions. Eggs play a part in this springtime festival and in the celebrations the egg symbolises an egg which reawakens in Spring. When the year changes the earth is thought to tremble and an egg is placed on mirror as the year changes, shivering slightly in sympathy with the earth’s great shudder.

翻譯 :

今天是春或秋的第一天, 春分(北半球)和秋分(南半球), 晝夜平分點 - 赤道, 在地球上歸劃出了今天的月份.
今天同時也是伊朗傳統的習俗的新年正月初一, 隨即將展開為期十三天的慶典.
特別的是 巴哈伊 和 佐柔阿思特人 的信仰, 慶典的禮拜儀式包括點燃火炬以迎接新年, 這在佐柔阿思特派是很廣泛的.
每一個人都跳躍過一面旗子, 象徵飛躍進入新的一年, 並且洗淨去年因不慎重而犯的錯誤.
蛋, 在這個新春慶典上扮演著很重要的角色, 代表著對去年春天的回憶.
當換年之際, 大地害怕而顫慄著, 這時將蛋擺在置在一面鏡子上象徵著年, 年(蛋) 同情著大地的恐慌, 而隨之輕輕的顫抖著!

作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1

(這是多麼可愛的一個信仰寓言, 天和地之間的溫柔互動, 對人性相處很有啟發!)

台長: YCButterfly

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