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2009-07-09 02:00:16| 人氣247| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Crawfish! Crawfish!

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We LOVE spicy crawfish!!!

Daddy and I-I love it so much, they even brought them to the
hospital when visiting Mommy and Eli!

The shell stink the hospital room
and Mommy had to apologized to the cleaning lady >_<

After spent hundreds of $$ purchased "ready-to’eat" ones,
Daddy went online and found the receipt and decided to cook them

Daddy hand select each life one and...

We’re helping Daddy to clean them up...

Amber’s making sure Daddy wash them good...

There’re lot of them and all needs to be wash a few times

Almost done ^_^

cannot wait!!

Here’s it!!

There’s also corns, onions, carrots, potatos, and sausages!!


台長: Alice
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