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X’mas class party

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12/19/2008-our X’mas class party at school

We started earlier than scheduled.

Ju-Ju (Julia)’s mommy bring as cookies and decors.


Amber like to eat the decor..

Chloe had no problem eatting the "overly sweet" cookie she made..

Our freind, Hudson...

He was on our "secret Santa" list.. so was Sidney...

Mommy bought each of them coats from her favorite store "Gymboree"

Amber helped Mommy pass out the napkins...

Lots good food to eat (Amber)

Chloe still have room for more..

Chloe’s wondering where’s her gift?

Amber got something from Sidney, too..

Finally, Chloe also received her gift.

Her secret Santa was Ju-Ju...

(not reallly a secret anymore ^_^)


台長: Alice
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