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2007-12-03 04:43:41| 人氣59| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thanksgiving Luch at BCCC

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11/14/07 at BCCC

A quick pick while Mommy waiting for Grandmom
Daddy’s busy so could not come.

There were lots grwon-up food
and we get to eat them ALL !!

Grandmom and Mommy was busy feeding us.

Not sure if they had enough to eat.

But one thing for sure, they love being here w/ us.


and so are we

after lunch,
we tooke a walk back to our classroom and get ready for nap

only Amber fussied a little because the
teacher had to take her water bottle away,

Mommy and Grandmom went to work
and we took a nice nap

(p.s. Daddy was worry that he won’t be able to leave if he comes;
he thinks we’ll fuss so bad...lol we are good gals)

台長: Alice
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Aunty Emily
Amber, keep your little feet off of the table!! Caught in action!
2007-12-03 23:27:13
Mommy to Aunty Emily
Ha, ha, ha,
believe it or not,
Chloe`s the one does it normally.
2007-12-05 12:08:43
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