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2007-02-04 19:08:10| 人氣95| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

let it snow

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Memphis finally got some snow

This is the first time Amber and Chloe see snow

we don’t really know what’s going on,
but Oscar and Zoe try to go out and play w/ the snow
they cannot go be cause daddy already went to work and mommy need to watch us-Sorry

It started snow 1/31 night, but was not enough

Mommy still had to go to work on 2/1

It did snow more on 2/1 around midnight

We thought mommy can have a snow day off w/ us 2/2

-but only for one hours, she had to go work at 9am @.@

台長: Alice
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Aunty Emily
Please snow again when i
2007-02-15 09:46:35
mommy (to Aunty Emil
It`s been sonw EVERY morning the past two days.
But, just a little bit-cannot tell it`s been snowing later in the day...
2007-02-16 19:49:58
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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