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2011-09-04 09:10:57| 人氣809| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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We of the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council are your  family  &  friends.    We  are  here  to  let  you  know  your planet Earth/Terra, and all your people  who  choose  to  embrace them, are about to go through major changes, a major stage of growth,  a  shift-up  in  vibration, called “upliftment”,  a  new higher consciousness and awareness, a new existence… for  the first time in your planet’s history.   It  is  evolution.   It  is  a  cleansing.  It is  a  rebirth.   Some  call  it  ascension, rather more accurately,  it  is  a  transformation.    It  is  by any  name   -   truly   a   new    beginning.

Though  the  process  has  already  begun, somewhat.   Earth  is
about   to   transform   in   vibrational   frequency   from  its current 3-D solid  matter  form  existence in the 3rd dimension… into the  4th dimension/density reality, the vibratory rate one frequency faster than currently on Earth, as Earth's solar system and planet Earth are about to cross into the galactic equatorial plane zone of the Milky Way galaxy.

Overall, this new area of 4th dimensional space is a place where matter has far less density & weight, an area of much faster & higher frequency energy vibration.  It is also a dimension where time will no longer have a hold on Earth humans.  From a 4th dimension perspective, time doesn't exist... at least not the way Earth presently experiences time.

In addition, this area of 4th dimensional space also has a black hole with highly charged magnetic energies at its core. Earth's solar system and planet Earth will upon entry of this zone encounter the highly charged energies of this black hole and feel its effects.

The  speeding  up  of  this  solar  system &  its planets including Earth due to the higher, faster, vibrational  frequency energy rate of this area -  their upliftment into the 4th density resulting in major geophysical events  and more dramatic changes to planet Earth - all of these changes are projected  to begin:

mid-October 2011, to reach full strength by December 2012, thru March 2013 when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth's crust happens with the present day equator  moving into its new North/South orientation. These changes are expected to continue throughout 2013, and will begin the completion of this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013. 

It is expected Earth will begin to settle into its new 4th dimension vibration existence in January 2014.  Yes, planet Earth will have to go through lots of dramatic changes to get there.   But these events as life changing they will be to both humans and all life on the planet... these changes are normal and necessary for this process.   It  is  evolution. 

Just  like  a  woman's  body  changes, adjusts & expands,  Earth too must go through its uncomfortable adjustments, its labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth.  Earth  too  must  adjust  &  prepare  herself  for  this  new beginning, for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more  colorful,  vibrant, &  beautiful  4th  dimensional  world.

Once Earth is vibrating in the 4th dimension, Earth's remaining sentient inhabitants, including all humans, will be forever changed.  They will manifest a variety of natural, multi-sensory abilities as never before experienced in Earth's history.  For all of transformed humanity - human consciousness, human life, will make a quantum leap in evolution. Humans finally experience and learn first hand about the truth & reality of their own soul, about their true spiritual essence.  Humanity experiences a true spiritual life - complete self awareness and cognition, total memory recall, telepathy, clairvoyance, &  greater natural harmony with others.  A complete transformation of the human race on planet Earth.

This time in Earth’s history will begin what many have described as a new age of enlightenment, spiritual awareness, living  & consciousness, an age of  true human renewal...

back to the origins of what the human race was meant to become.

From this time forward  the  people  of  Earth, now a 4th dimensional race, will no longer be alone, but now truly reconnected  with  their  cousins, brothers and sisters across the  stars  in  this  vast  universe  full  of  sentient,  intelligent  life.

台長: 珏吟
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