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Holistic Living Expo  Bagua

 Authors, Healers, Speakers, Mystic Marketplace,

Intuitive Guidance on Love, Career, Health, . . .

 Sun, March 13     10 am - 6 pm  
Walnut Creek
 Marriott Hotel 

2355 N. Main St, Walnut Creek, CA 94596   

See Speakers, Exhibitors, Directions at www.HolisticLivingExpo.com


Be an Angel!  Forward this email to win our

Bring a Friend Contest

then Print the first Page of this Email for  

FREE Expo Admissio&   

a Free Raffle Ticket  

when You or Anyone You Invite Shows up 

Regular Admission:  $10, Seniors & Teens $5, Kids Free
Fill Out Form to Validate Free Pass & Bring a Friend Raffle Offer:

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This email was originally sent to: Chueh Yin Chen ,       

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Free Presentations


 10:30 am      Jeff Sabino

Natural Weight Loss with Health Benefits 

Learn about a detox, weight loss & rejuvenation program

using homeopathics & nutritional therapy to create optimal health by detoxifying & balancing the hypothalamus. Typically, people lose around a pound a day & look 5 to 20 years younger.   www.SpringValleyNutraceuticals.com  

10:30 am      Sherry Hopson

Clearing Past Life Karma with Shuddha Healing

Learn how Past Lives create outer Chakras and Portals within the body bringing the energies of the past. How your current life's pain, disease and even relationship could be mirroring a past life and how it was triggered. Learn how Shuddha can clear the past life memories and triggers.


11:00 am      Arthur Hamilton     
Massage for Pain Relief 
& a 
Free Trigger Point Mini-Session

Symptoms in joints, internal organs, eyes, ears, teeth, etc., are usually caused by painful "Trigger Points" in related muscles. A Trigger Point Therapist can locate & deactivate these painful spots using finger pressure, relieving both the point & the related sympton.   

11:00 am  Angel Blue     Partnering with 
your Angels to Create the Life you Want  

We all could use a little help these days in achieving our dreams, that's where your Angels & Guides come in. Join me for a discussion on how you can work with the world of spirit to create a life of peace, love & abundance. Isn't it time?      AngelBlueCo.com 

 israel_hurtado          11:30 am    Israel Hurtado

Light, Love & Compassion Group Healing

We'll fill the room with energy to go to the part of you that needs to be healed or cleared, lighten it up, & get you ready to move forward to hear your guides' messages. You'll be more relaxed, clear-minded, & able to make better decisions. Physical pain may be released.                  enlighten-yourlife.com 

 11:30 am  Speaking to Spirit: Answers to All of your Questions

with Terry Yoder

A Near Death Experience at age 14 began a  journey to open Terry's spiritual gifts. In 2006, a Head On Collision brought him into contact with BEN, his Angel Guide. Bring questions regarding friends, loved ones, career, finances, spiritual issues, past lives, spirit guides. 


   12:00 pm            Von von Lindenberg  

Release Yourself from Being Victimized 

Learn how to change the fearful

vibrations you are sending out,  

so you can draw positive energies to you!


                                12:00 pm   Markus Thorndike 

The Gift of Your Life Purpose  
Discover and learn about Hand Analysis as a way to catapault your own personal growth, understand deep soul psychology, and get your feet firmly on a path of incomparable life fulfillment and success. Every attendee will learn something personal about the nature of their very own Life Purpose
. www.LifePurposeConsulting.Us 


12:30 pm     Teresa Proctor       

Rising Energy 

The New Energy has come in with a tremendous amount of power. The results are everywhere if only you know how to recognize it. This country will be contributing to the New Energy. We are moving from Divine Cause to Divine Effect. How will this new energy impact you personally?


12:30 pm     Joseph Ernest Martin 

  Have People just Gone Crazy?

Most of us are falling victim to the frenzy of others. It seems like they have gone crazy. Pushy, rude, abrupt, uncaring people are in the drivers seat. What can YOU do? Learn the psychic & physical reasons this is happening & how to take back your power from these energy vampires. Want to survive to 2012?   Come see what you can do to preserve your own well-being.    www.QuestTarot.com 

1:00 pm Tuaca Kelly  

The Deadliest Neurotoxin:  

The Truth about Mercury Amalgams

Every year dental schools graduate new young dentists wrongfully convinced that toxic mercury fillings are safe when drilled into your teeth. Even 1 atom of mercury could be the root cause of your health issues. Learn what a bio-dentist is, & an effective chelation process.www.LovetheMessenger.com 

1:00 pm  Developing your Psychic Abilities

with Sharon Sampsel

Is everyone psychic? If so, why? The secret is in your

chakras. Learn where your psychic abilities are located,

in which chakra, and how you can start using them!



1:30 pm  Donna Hale, M.A

Hypnosis & Detoxification for Weight Loss

NBC Dateline's "Ultimate Diet Challenge" tested today's most popular diets & concluded Hypnosis is the most powerful tool for Long-term Weight Loss!   Learn how Hypnosis will put YOU in control, end the cravings & binge eating, & make you love to exercise.      www.InnerFitnessSpa.com 

1:30 pm   Joanna Klemstein Stolljoanne_bluestar

Removing Past Life Trauma, 
Blockages, & Etheric Crystals 

Inexplicable fears or immediate familiarity with a new place or person may be past life memories held in your etheric body as "etheric crystals". Learn what different kinds there are, why they're there, how they affect present relationships, & how to get them removed.     www.BlueStarWoman.com  

2:00 pm    Miraculous Solutions w/Emergency Magical Thinking 

with Janis Kristjanson      

Learn how to call on your Guardian Angels using the  power of Emergency Magical Thinking (EMT) to discover or fine tune your life purpose, and how to Implement  EMT every moment of your life. Your Angels are waiting to hear from you and delighted to be of service!   www.PerfectFacial.com


2:00 pm   Maria Haswell       Hello from Above! Recognizing Messages from Spirit

In this fun & interactive presentation, Maria will help you discover your own intuitive abilities, fine-tune your connection, & listen to inner guidance. She'll share experiences as a spiritual medium and intuitive counselor to inspire you to connect with spirit.  www.MariaHaswell.com 

2:30 pm    Debra DominiqueDebra Dominique

Afterlife Communication with Loved Ones 

Debra is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, born with the Gift of Sight and Healing. At the age of 3 she was visiting with children from the Other Side, and at the age of 6 doing readings unknowingly, talking to her dead relatives. She had 3 NDE's at the ages of 6, 12 and 39, where she received an anointing each time from God, talking to Jesus, Angels, Guides & other Masters. 

2:30 pm        Jan McClintock    

Einstein, Electromagnetic Radiation, & your Health

Einstein won a Nobel Prize for his work on Brownian motion - the basis of how atoms work. Electromagnetic radiation alters that motion. We know because MRIs work! Learn how to counteract the effects of electromagnetic radiation, calm your nervous system, increase strength, improve balance, & strengthen your immune system - completely naturally. And the best part is -  you don't need toknow anything about Physics!    www.jmcclintock.mybionicfamily.com  

kay_hogan3:00 pm            Kay Hogan 

Aligning the Body with Spirit   

The body is a good conductor. Like an antenna, it takes in sounds & vibrations through the bones & tissues. Realignment of the body not only alleviates pain, gives you more energy, & allows better movement, but it also makes us a better conductor for sound & vibrations, enhancing our connection to our environment, our spiritual self, & others.     www.KayHogan.com 

sharon_cozzette3:00 pm        Rev. Sharon Cozzette  

How to Read an Aura    

Sometimes 'being psychic' just sneaks up on us ... showing up out of nowhere. But you can learn and develop your abilities. If you would like to see how a 'grounded' psychic reading works, come to this workshop. You can sit next to a line of psychics to experience and see for yourself, or be a volunteer guinea pig and receive a reading.              www.GotAura.com 


3:30 pm     Denise Wells

Therapeutic Magnets for Healing & Pain Relief 

When placed on the body, magnets align the Chakras & facilitate healing, increase energy, strengthen blood flow, improve circulation, alleviate arthritic pain, migraine headaches, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel problems, & backaches.     www.ThePerfectTenNails.com 


3:30 pm     Monique McDonnell

Connecting with your Real Power  

Do you have the power to effect major changes in your life? You truly have more power than you think you do. Monique will demonstrate how to access previously inaccessible power to enable you to create significant changes and healing in your life.

The Miracle Raffle & "Bring a Friend" Contest


A number of exhibitors are donating products & services, with Drawings Every Hour, & a Grand Prize at 5 pmEach attendee receives a free raffle ticket, plus 1 more when a guest they invite arrives at the expo.  So if you invite 5 friends that show up, you get 6 raffle tickets. More tickets can be purchased for $3, or 2 for $5. We are asking the Angels to see to it that each prize goes to the exact right person. See many of the products & services being offered as Raffle prizes amongst the exhibitors listed Here.   

What Else is at the Holistic Living Expo?  

The Exhibit Hall is organized according

to the Bagua areas of life from

Feng Shui & Taoist Cosmology:





Click on Links Below for Exhibitor Details 



1. Wealth - Gems, Jewelry, Fashion & Beauty


2. Fame - Reputation, Attracting Success


3. Love - Bodywork, Energywork

4. Family - Community - Sustainable Living    

 Health Vitality, Strength

6. Creativity - Visionary Art & Music

7. Wisdom - Spiritual Counselors 


8. Career - Life Path & Purpose


9.  Travel - Gifts from around the World



For 2011 California Expo Schedule, go to www.HolisticLivingExpo.com

 Walnut Creek
Holistic Living Expo

Sun, Mar 13, 2011

  10 am - 6 pm
Marriott Hotel

2355 North Main St. 
Walnut Creek, CA 94596



From I-680 Southbound, take exit 47 to merge onto N Main St & go south to the corner of Main St & Parkside. 

From I-680 Northbound, exit at North Main Street. Turn left on North Main Street. Turn right at Parkside. 

There's Free Parking in the Parking Structure at the back of the parking lot, and more Free Parking on Parkside Dr, east of Main St., under the BART tracks.  


 Click Here for a Google Map to the Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel 

then click on Get Directions, & enter your Starting Point.

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