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According to the Mayan calendar (Clow, 1995, 2004; Jones, 2006; Marciniak, 1992, 1994; Melchizedek, 2007), Mother Earth is going to shift to the fifth dimension officially in 2012. The fifth dimension is a dimension full of Light and Love. Its gatekeeper is the Pleiadian as we Humanity is the gatekeeper of the third dimension (3D).
By facing Mother Earth’s shifting and the spread and extension of Light, gradually human beings will confront our spiritual awakening, spirit expansion and the shifting of paradigms, along with tones of healing process. The Pleiadian described: "After thousands of years of separation from the divine, our collective mind--which functions in the fourth dimension(4D)--is caught in a field of polarized, archetypal thoughforms that are locked in our bodies and minds as emotional trauma blocks" (Clow& Clow,2004). As long as we release our multidimensional/ multi-layers of emotional traumas, we correspondingly unlock and awaken our memories and our multidimensions consciousness.
Human beings have memories from all lifetimes installed onto our undeveloped DNA (Carroll, 2004; Clow, 1995; Marciniak, 1992, 1994). As long as more and more light comes into earth and facilitates human beings doing all levels of healing for our body, mind and spirit, these codes within our DNA are simultaneously unfold and decode through these healing processes. In other words, Healing means expansion and activation.
Gradually, these messages that are released, will be accepted by our consciousness. Meanwhile, our paradigm of consciousness from the third dimension (3D) to the fourth dimension (4D) (or even multidimensions) will also be expanded by this process. As a result of this expansion, our consciousness will have more space to contain and embrace the information we receive from our DNA and also from our Divine Self. Everything will become meaningful. Everything is in its synchronicity. Nothing is duality. Everything happens for its Divine Lesson.
Therefore, this is an omnibus transforming process--an Alchemical process. Our left brain needs to have a higher and more developed way of perception and a more developed cognitive system—paradigm of consciousness to contain a bigger perspective and to contain a series of shifting that Earth is confronting. So does our energy bodies.
How can we avoid using 3D perspective to explain the Truth from 5D? The key is to follow our Heart—the guidance from our Heart, our intuition and our inner strength/inner knowing. We are looking for this inner strength through a succession of healing processes. This is strength that is full of loving, compassion and acceptance of who WE ARE. Our Heart can lead our mind to get new insight. Through daily meditation, contacting the deeper part of ourselves (self-inquiry), and constantly healing, cleansing and releasing our body-mind-spirit, gradually, our mind will get new awareness and new experience. It is like a spiral process that our spirits are continually releasing, integrating, re-releasing and re-integrating. It is an on going process.The spirit will be unceasingly flowing and flowing until our DNA are totally, completely decoded, until all of these traumas are healed through Love and Light, and until we are all going back to the Light; going back to the ONE.
Our spirits will vibrate higher and higher by daily meditation and cleansing. When the frequency of vibration becomes higher and higher, faster and faster, we can also induce the same frequency of beings/spirits, such as fairies, angels, Bodhisattva, Goddess, or dolphins; sometimes, they could be our Higher Self, and sometimes, they could be our Guides and our Teachers. These Spirits, these Guides are leading us to unfold different dimensions and are preparing us to embrace the following shifting in Mother Earth.
According to my Guides, “The earth and her magnetic frequencies during the days of all these ancient civilizations demanded that these outside sources be used. But now, within the newly adjusted magnetic grid of planet earth that now allows for a new energy to penetrate and permeate the earth and her inhabitants, the methods for healing, balance and growth will now be much different. The time now calls for lighter, softer, more self-empowering healing modalities. Gone are the days when a human needed a device (crystals and the likes), a place (Temples of Rejuvenation) a person (guru, medicine man, shaman, ect.) to balance them enough so that they may be healed. Instead a new day has dawned on earth and it is a day and an energy that empowers a human. They have been given back their ability to use their interdimensional DNA so that they may heal themselves.”(Cindy, personal communication, 2007)
It is an era of Self-empowerment. Every spirit is unique; we all come from the Family of Light. Every spirit knows how to heal him/herself. This new healing system is different from our former paradigm that therapy needs to be done by others. We know what we need. Now all of Beings and Teachers are coming from different dimensions to witness this beautiful and amazing shifting; to help Mother Earth and Humanity. Therefore, I AM here to facilitate the process of activation/expansion of your DNA. Helping you to reach your potential and awaken your multidimensional consciousness through healing your traumas.
I remind always in Love and Service,
Jade/ Chueh Yin Chen
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Clow, H. Barbara (2004). Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: Decoding the Vertical Axis, Crop Circles, and the Mayan Calendar. Hampton Roads.
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Carroll, L. (2004). Kryon’s DNA channeling. http://www.kryon.com/seminar%20images/DNA%20page/DNA.html
Marciniak, B. (1992). Bringers of the Dawn: Teaching from the Pleiadians. Bear & Company.
Marciniak, B. (1994). Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library. Bear & Company.
Melchizedek, D. (2008). Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012—The Movement of the Earth’s Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949 to 2013. Weiser Books.
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