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A Message From the Pleiadian High Council,November 19, 2008

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A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner
On November 19, 2008


Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today.

Know that much is going with the Earth. There is far more than you realize. We can see it and have a much bigger picture than your media would have you know. The old world is breaking apart. Even the controllers of your planet are losing control. The secrets are rising to the surface. Nothing can be hidden. Everything is coming out. You are running into some challenging times. It will seem like a free-for-all. Balance is on the way. This is purposeful. You will soon know what I mean.

There will be some hidden factors that will soon be released that will change the way people on the Earth think. This information is long overdue. You are not quite ready for it but the decision has been made and when the time comes for the truth to come out you will need it. Humanity is on the brink of a spiritual awakening that will lead it into the energies of 2012 and beyond. This is a necessary opening and will be revealing.

The chaos that you are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg. It is going to get stronger and you will need inner strength. The Earth herself is feeling the chaos and will be cleansing and releasing. There is no turning back for any of you. We hold the energies along with other space families for the continual balance and restructuring to ensue. You, as Light beings, are doing the same. We recommend that you use your spiritual tools to ride through the rocky times ahead. We are with you.

The stronghold that the controllers have had on the planet is being released. There is a lot of pent up anger and fear that collide with this release. Do not be afraid when you feel it. The plot thickens and the Light rises more to the surface. The old way is going by the wayside and you are paving the way for the glorious new day on the New Earth.

It might seem like free fall as some businesses, organizations and corporations fall. This accelerated shift is a part of the re-organization of the planet and the new focus away from greed, corruption, self-interest, competition, exploitation, and irreverence for life and for the Earth. It is another requisite for the higher dimensional energies. These old energies are not intended to exist in the Light of the New Earth.

During these changes you will find that as Lightworkers, part of the ground crew, many will need your assistance. Find ways to be there for them. They will be seeking the love and understanding that you have as their old worlds fall apart. Help them to rise above the fear and know that change is purposeful. This is a part of your job.

We stand at the ready to be of assistance to you wherever you need us. Right now our ability to assist in broad ways is still somewhat limited however we can assist you with thoughts, and energies in motion. We are always with you. We ask that you request our input and we will give it.

We give you love and support. I am Mira.

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