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July 9 , 2008 靈性訊息(下)

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Our Store-Fronts

Until we no longer have the need for money, we will need a portal for money to arrive through. We will need a space on the dimensional border where we can be found. And this will be our store-fronts. As much continues to collapse, our store-fronts will exist to provide service to those on various rungs of the evolutionary ladder.

Our store-fronts will be varied and will reflect what our own specific gifts and talents are about. They can be artistic creations, healing practices (healing will still be needed for those who are at certain levels of their evolutionary process, but after individuals reach a certain threshold, healing can be detrimental), teaching services for the creation of the New World, and the like. The store-fronts will completely reflect who our true and authentic selves really are, and this is our gift to the world as we continue to serve and assist our brothers and sisters on varying rungs of their ascension process.

And again, store-fronts can also be about our contributions to the creation of the New World. You will know what your store-front is about, as it will reflect something that is really you. And as so much of who we thought we were is leaving so rapidly now, what is left is then the pure gold nugget of our true and authentic selves.

It was planned that we would be taken care of during these times. It was planned that we would experience much abundance during this time of new beginnings. We will all be fine. It has been pre-ordained. We have waited until enough of us were ready. It is now time indeed.

More and more miracles will manifest for us in the very near future. Yes, it is finally time for our very new beginnings, and new beginnings they are indeed. I could never have imagined that mine would involve the new connections with old and familiar souls that I have recently re-connected with. Oh, how I love the surprises that Source delivers!

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...
Until next time,

台長: 珏吟
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