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A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council, July 2

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A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council
Channeled Through Valerie Donner
On July 2, 2008


Greetings, I am Mira.

I reach out to you. We know that you are going through some challenging times. We are very near you, on the Earth and in your skies. We are helping to hold your Earth steady as she breaths and releases. She is letting go and moving out the creases. We are of one mind and one intention. That is why we are available to get you through the ascension. We are from the Pleiadian High Council. We hold you in our hearts. As I said we are close and you are close to us.

Time as you know it is short. It is ceasing to exist. This makes matters on the Earth even more intense. Energies are moving quickly off the Earth and from you. We see you challenged at remaining in your bodies. Some of you would like to fly off with us. This will happen soon enough. Some of you are tightening your belts, not because of increased weight although that could contribute, but financially you are being impacted by the biggest influx of avarice and greed ever created on the Earth. We would love to bring you the technology that would free you from the current energy systems that you use and keep you tied into this negative energy. It will happen soon enough. We are working with certain people technically so that you will have new and free means of travel and using energy.

It is a complicated process in which you now find yourselves. Since most of humanity is still asleep you are the wakened ones and much will be demanded of you. Are you ready? As more earth changes occur and other troubles brew, you will be called into service. We can guide you and assist but we cannot make ourselves physically known quite yet. You know we are with you and we are.

Some of the things that you will be doing are: helping to make order, to line things up, help people remain stable emotionally, teach them about what is happening, bring them current according to what you know, connect them with others who will be able to help, work with animals, teaching people how to be in community, to live off the land, to communicate with others through new means, helping them to heal, find new foods, show people how to help others, get them up to speed with new technology and show them how to learn from us when we arrive. They will learn about energy from you and how new systems can help them. You will teach them how to trust themselves and you will show them about love, unconditional love.

This all sounds like something that humanity needs right now and it does. They have been fed lies for so long that if we tried to teach them these things they would not believe it. Soon they will be faced with situations that many are already finding themselves in where they will be looking for answers. They will need help and they will begin to open up to new ways of living their lives. This will become a necessity because the old way of being and living on the Earth is falling apart on all levels. There is a leveling out and that is necessary for all to survive and live on the beautiful New Earth.

Please understand that we are working on this together. We hear your prayers and feel what is in your hearts. We know that you love us and can’t wait to get along with your important work. We are doing our part and so are you. Soon it will become much more.

As part of our roles in the High Council we are called upon to keep things in balance. We will be working with many types of councils in the future to assist the Earth in a new way of governance. You have some enlightened leaders moving into your future. Do not worry about a thing because the plan that is in place is a good one.

We assure you that the Earth is in a good place. She is moving foreword with her soul’s plan. She is feeling better as the cleansing continues and is happy that she is receiving so much assistance from all realms. She is a loving and gracious being. She is sorry when some of her children have to leave her abode but is grateful to be progressing in her rise. She is moving forward rapidly because she needs to do this in order to survive. The harm that has been done to her is in need of reversal but it is not humanity’s entire fault. There is a natural cleansing and clearing process that she goes through on a cyclical basis.

We give you the gift of our focused attention and love. We surround you with assistance. We maintain our support and stand for your continual renewal and ascension.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

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