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2008-07-05 05:54:27| 人氣303| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Message from Valerie Donner - June 5, 2008


Dear Ground Crew:

How are you doing during these wild and chaotic times? Since my last update the earth changes have accelerated with the cyclone in Myanmar and the 8.0 three minute-long earthquake in China. Millions of people continue to be affected and are in need of housing and many basic necessities. I watched a video of Schewan Province where circular rainbow clouds appeared above the area one hour before the quake. Ten minutes before the quake there were brilliant rainbow colored sundogs (another cloud shape with powerful energies). Could these have something to do with ships? They were working with energies there for certain. It was also reported that there was a big influx of frogs in the province before the earthquake so the animal kingdom were trying to warn the people. The animals are connected to the Earth and they pay attention. Various people in the U.S. have observed that the birds are quickly emptying their birdfeeders. Could they be telling us something? Are they mirroring our fears of survival? Why have the salmon left their normal waters here in Northern California? Did you know that the beehives have plummeted by one million here in the U.S.?

With these major events and signs we find our lives effected in many different ways. According to Archangel Gabriel (Benu through channel Karen Cook, www.benutoo.com) we are only 19 percent complete with the earth changes so we still have a long way to go with Mother Earth’s cleansing. Have you noticed that more people are starting to wake up? They are also dealing with intense changes in their lives.

This is all the more reason to be in the present moment. We need to deal with our issues, fears, concerns, and unfinished business. I find it important to play and find joy as much as possible. It is necessary to rest, meditate and laugh.

The veils are beginning to lift. The blessings are unfolding. Our hearts are opening and we are sending help and relief even if it is just our prayers wherever it is needed. Our gifts and abilities are opening. It is possible to be in higher states of consciousness and even in bliss as the old energies leave and the new arrive.

Speaking of new arrivals, a friend sent me the following information from her friend on June 2, 2008, that was channeled by a man named Jeshua Ben Ekara, from Holland. He channeled Solarya, and she said that she doesn’t pass on information unless it really it rings true. It felt right to me too so here it is:

She said that within the last few days in Asia (China) the first true child of the New World was born. She is a new breed coming from the Great Central Sun and these children will be called Children of the Sun. They were the children of Lemuria who left and never incarnated again on the earth and went directly back to the Great Central Sun to wait for this moment in time to come back, They come in without the veil in any way shape, or form and their brain is neutral. They can’t create thought patterns like us. They have difficulty communicating like us, because they don’t need the voice to speak. They have Unity consciousness in their cells so there is no separation between them and us. So she said, the remarkable thing is that being 5th dimensional beings (so to speak), are connected to every human being, just like an ascended master but in human form.

Therefore when this baby is fed she feeds the whole world. If she connects to one flower she connects to all. It’s like the Pleiadians always said, “All things in the Cosmos are right here on Earth.” So these children can transmute all life and even death. This new baby doesn’t sleep or cry and Solarya says she only breathes so her mother doesn’t freak out, and her mother knows she is a Golden One. Every 2 to 3 hours, another one is being born on this planet. In 1-2 weeks the first one will be born in United States. And as they connect with all mankind we will be given the ability to also do as they do.

I know this sounds strange, but those of us holding the vision of a world with no hunger, no pain, no suffering didn’t know how it would come about, but this makes sense. So the next time you eat visualize what it would be like if your bite of food would also be feeding all those who have none. Connect with these New Children in your meditations or prayers. I knew the answers for our new reality would come from the children but I had no idea how beautifully it would manifest, THIS is what we have been waiting for. I will give you more info as I find out.

On June 4, 2008 it was announced that Barack Obama is the Democratic presidential candidate here in the U.S. This is a first in this country when an African American will run for president. Obama’s message feels like a new energy here especially when compared with the Mc Cain energy. You can feel it if you read into their energy.

As I continued my voracious consumption of information this month, I attended a meeting with a Native American chief, Chief Black Horse. He is of the Lakota lineage with Cherokee heritage. He said that this is the time the ancestors have been talking about for a long time. He said that 2012 is now and that we need to be about our “original medicine.” By this term he means we need to be doing our life purpose, what we came here to do. We need to be living from the heart. We need to be close to the Earth and to respect the Earth. We need to see the animals as our teachers. We need to start coming together in communities to help each other. We need to learn to make fire and to live off the land. We need to listen to the ancestors.

Chief Black Horse was powerful. His words and energy were healing and motivating. They touched my heart. The only thing I know about making fire is perhaps rubbing two sticks together or two rocks together to create a spark. I don’t that that will get me very far. Maybe if I used a magnifying glass on a sunny day that would work. I am going to find out a better means to create fire. I am calling forth my greater knowledge for survival and living closer to the Earth. What are you doing?

Even more information came to me when I went to a friend’s house to watch the movie “2012 The Odyssey” by Sacred Mysteries Productions. I recommend watching this movie. Greg Bradden talked about “Burning the bridges to the past through empowerment.” John Major Jenkins discussed the Mayan Calendar and the wobble of the Earth every 26,000years. He said that we are in the process of a galactic alignment on Dec. 21, 2012 and that every person is aware of it inside. Our magnetic fields fall; there will be greater solar influence and a shift of magnetic fields and transformation of consciousness. There is an alchemical process going on where we are going from the Iron Age of materialism to the Golden Age of higher consciousness in December 2012. This reminded me of what Eckart Tolle is teaching about letting go of the ego. It is all about this inner evolution and not the external evolutionary focus.

The movie pointed out how we are working on dissolving attachments. We need to remember that things are not going to be the way they were. The time will come when we will have a massive kundalini rising experience where we will be in ecstasy and will be the end of the ego.

There were some Inca people in the film who were traveling around telling people of their 2012 prophecies. They are giving transmissions to help us align. The word “homoluminous” was used to describe what we are becoming. They said the reason we are surrounded with so many possessions is because we are not connected to each other. At this time it is important that we learn to love each other.

We need to learn to love each other as Christ taught us. He wants us to love the children of the Earth as he loved the children of the Earth. This is what he told me when I channeled him not too long ago.

We have had strange weather patterns here in the San Francisco bay area. It has been a cool spring with lots of cloudy days. One day when I was looking around at all of the beautiful flowers, the blue sky and feeling the weather, I had a feeling that this was what it felt like to be in Lemuria. It seemed familiar. For many of us we have forgotten our Lemurian ancestry since it was such a lovely civilization and far more spiritual than Atlantis. The first time I remembered it was during a channeling on Mt. Shasta with my friend Louise Jones, author of the three books on Telos (Available on the Marketplace on this website), the city left over from Lemuria that is located underneath Mt. Shasta. My heart opened up and I started to cry when she channeled Adama, the high priest of Telos. The Lemurians have been holding the energy for the Christing of the planet ever since Lemuria fell.

We have an abundance of assistance from our Creator, all of creation, the inner Earth and the outer Earth. We have amassed the most gifted bearers of Light—YOU—to assist the Earth and all of life at this time with her ascension. Please understand, ground crew, that in the days to come you will be called upon to bring peace and to be the peace amidst rampant changes. From all indications we are in for something big this year and that means we need to be ready to take our places and do our work. There is no longer any time to wait. It is here.

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