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2008-04-21 00:26:27| 人氣1,152| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Stephanie’s Daily Forecast:

A very intense full Moon has us in its grips today, and the way through it seems to be the willingness to feel the emotions that have come up, and to feel them as deeply and truly as possible. This Full Moon is the first of two Scorpio full Moons in a row, so this is just the beginning of an important emotional journey that needs to be taken. Additionally, the New Moon in two weeks occurs directly on the world axis at 15 Taurus, bringing global or universal elements into our individual experiences, while we take the last semblance of time we have left to align the emotional with the physical, mental and spiritual during the weeks ahead.

Today’s full Moon forms a beautiful planetary picture called a kite, which is formed when a grand trine (Sun/Saturn/Pluto) has a planet opposite one of the points (the Moon opposite the Sun). The Moon forms the tail of the kite, which when utilized properly, makes it possible to get whatever the trine manifests off the ground. This full Moon, with its substantial emotionality, makes these earthy and very practical manifestations fly. We must FEEL what we’re feeling. We must go through this intense stretch and face it all in order to get where we’re going. There is no other way.

And it doesn’t end here. These two Scorpio full Moons in a row occur at the 0 and 29th degrees of the sign. This one, at 0, represents the purity, the essence of the emotions that are coming up. We must embrace them and refuse to escape or apply old habitual responses to them, because the next full Moon will require the mastery of them. This intense day turns out to be an emotional odyssey. Fasten your seatbelt and resolve to be in it for the long haul.

The full Moon occurs at 6:30am EDT, and that’s just the beginning of a major day, full of important aspects. The powerful emotions generated by the full Moon serve to fuel the Sun/Saturn/Pluto Grand trine, which forms over the course of today and tomorrow. Look at the practical issues that have come up for you in the past few days. Take them on, don’t ignore them. The Sun is life giving. On Friday Mercury formed the same Grand Earth trine with Saturn and Pluto, who are both stationing and in doing so, are slowly but surely serving all of humanity up with the new platform for reality. The new world is being defined as we watch, and the personal planets form the final trine of the planetary picture, one after the other, bringing us personally and individually into the grander picture. This is such an important time, such a rare time on the planet, we don’t really want to miss a thing. Don’t let some powerful emotions prevent you from having this extraordinary experience. Dive in. Take the plunge.

For more on today’s Full Moon please read Kathy Biehl”s Full Moon article, available to everyone all day today, and in the Moonlight Ezine for members of the site all month long.

This full Moon is the WESAK Moon, which is the most powerful and important lunar event of the year. Please join in on the world meditation that is happening at the time of the full Moon! Click here for all the relevant information. Even if you missed the meditation, you can still partake of the amazing energy.

台長: 珏吟
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此分類下一篇:Energies of 2009

抽天使卡還抽到NEW LOVE 是怎樣
就 好好愛自己唄
2008-04-21 10:41:58
今天跟Saki一時興起,跑去walnut creek參加crystal fair,做了一個session的sounds healing,痛哭到一個不行...
這是他的網站,想跟他學Reiki master

2008-04-21 11:43:25
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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