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2009-06-12 03:49:01
2012-02-14 15:05:26


據說,這是一年一度全世界最大的水晶珠寶展Tucson Convention Centerhttp://www.tgms.org/在好幾年前的某場靈性場合中,得知在亞利桑納州的Tucson每年都會舉辦號稱全世界最大的水晶礦石展,當時心中一陣狐疑,想說Tucson...

2012-02-01 02:57:07

Solar Flares and CMEs, The Effets(太陽閃焰/日暈對人類身心靈的影響)

Exactly what is a solar flare and how does it affect us?A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun which appears to be a very bright spot and a gaseous surface eruption such as in the above photogra...

2012-01-31 00:29:47

An Interview with Reiki Guides and Angels

An Interview with Reiki Guides and Angels3by Laurelle Shanti GaiaMany people find the concept of spiritual guides, angels, Reiki guides, and enlightened beings to be beyond belief. This is often simpl...

2012-01-17 07:56:56

靈性訊息: 1/24開始,火星落在處女座即將逆行11週

16 Jan 2012Palace of Peace NewsletterMars is Going Retrograde!Dear Friends,This is our last week of all the planets moving in direct motion. However, we are already in the "shadow" period of Mars slow...

2012-01-12 07:44:50


已經有兩個月沒有來部落格抒發心情,最近外境和內境都發生很大的變化,應該說是很劇烈的變化,好像開始習慣用臉書(facebook)來更新我的狀態之後,新聞台就沒有那麼快follow up,一方面自知愧對新聞台的忠實讀者,一方面也懷...

2011-11-06 07:03:30


Mt. Shasta.jpg來到美國已經兩個多月了,這兩個月來,我都在踏實著學習著如何愛?如何經營愛? 我的土星落入了七宮,好像從小到大的宿命,就是在披荊斬棘著面對著艱難的愛情課題,關係課題,我的十二宮管到七宮,因此,無可...

2011-10-20 01:38:54


SaLuSa 19-October-2011Matters move on as the pace of development increases, and will continue do so until the energy for change is manifested for the purposes intended. Your expectations may differ an...

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