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哇!打太極拳竟然有這樣的好處!是的,約翰霍普金斯大學的楊 (DR Young) 等人在 1999 年美國老人學會期刊 (J Am Geriatr Soc) 的一研究,顯示打太極拳可降低血壓。他們對 62 名大於或等於 60 歲、不運動的男女 (各 13 人和 49 人) 研究,這些研究對象的收縮壓介於 130-159 mm Hg(平均 139.9 ± 9.3 mm Hg),舒張壓則低於 95 mm Hg(平均 76.0 ± 7.3 mm Hg),沒有使用降血壓治療。將研究對象隨機分成二組,一組做有氧運動,另一組打輕度太極拳,每週做四天,每天 30 分鐘,共做 12 週。

結果發現做有氧運動和打輕度太極拳有相似的降血壓作用。有氧運動組的收縮壓和舒張壓各平均降低 8.4 ± 1.6mm Hg 和 3.2 ± 1.0mm Hg;而太極拳組則各平均降低 7.0 ± 1.6mm Hg 和 2.4 ± 1.0mm Hg。這對幫助健康是重要的,因為高血壓是中風的頭號危險因子(相對風險四倍);而舒張壓上升 5 mm Hg,便可增加中風風險 34% 和冠狀心臟病風險 21%。此外,兩組的體重沒有改變;最大氧活量估計值,有氧運動組傾向於增加,而太極拳組則沒變。

此外,太極拳還有其他好處。1996 年美國老人學會期刊 (J Am Geriatr Soc),艾茉莉 (Emory) 大學的沃夫 (SL Wolf) 等人在亞特蘭大「改善脆弱和受傷技術合作研究」(FICSIS) 的一研究,對 200 名(162 女、38 男)至少 70(平均 76.2)歲老人研究,隨機分成打太極拳、平衡訓練和教育等三組,做 15 週;四個月後再追蹤評估。結果顯示太極拳組可改善身體和精神狀況,減少跌倒風險 47.5%,降低 12 分鐘步行前後的血壓測量。

老年人即使願意運動,但能持續者卻不多。1997 年卡特呢 (NG Kutner) 等人的另一項亞特蘭大「改善脆弱和受傷技術合作研究」(FICSIS),對 130 名 70 歲以上老人研究,也顯示太極拳組和平衡訓練組都可增加行動和平衝的信心;但只有太極拳組的日常活動和整體生活有影響,打太極拳變成很多太極拳組人的日常活動。打太極拳可同時幫助身和心的控制,而改善整體生活品質和刺激持續打太極拳的運動意願。

太極拳甚至對急性心肌梗塞復原的病人也有幫助。英國皇家霍蘭雪兒 (Hallamshire) 醫院的錢呢 (KS Channer) 等人在 1996 年研究所醫學會期刊 (Postgrad Med J) 的一研究,將 126 名 (男 90 女 36) 39-80(平均 56)歲的急性心肌梗塞復原病人,隨機分成打太極拳、做有氧運動、和不運動扶持等三組;前三週每週做二次,後五週每週做一次。每次課程前後均測量心跳和血壓。結果發現只有太極拳組的舒張壓有降低的趨勢。收縮壓則太極拳組和有氧運動組都有降低的趨勢。此外,完成所有 11 次課程者,太極拳組最多 (82%),有氧運動組居中 (73%),不運動扶持組最少 (4%)。

打太極拳除了可左右捧大西瓜來清涼降溫外,還可降低血壓,減少中風和冠狀心臟病風險,增進老人健康。/ 黃頂立 DEENG-LIH HUANG, Ph.D.
美國哥倫比亞大學生物有機化學博士"Special state-to-state relations" between the two states since the summer sun uncle Shanhuo warm market, just like middle of the day when, in the hot sun to eat spicy hot pot. However, although Uncle Sam likes sunbathing in the hot sun, but can not stand spicy hotpot. Panda brother though like hotpot, but can not stand under the hot sun. In this case, if there is tai chi skill, while holding a large watermelon to cool panda big brother left, and then while holding a refreshing watermelon to Uncle Sam on the right, perhaps you can cool down a little; so do not have the stock market can crash, The family also may not have erupted stock hypertension.

Wow! Tai chi and even has the advantage! Yes, Yang Johns Hopkins University (DR Young), who in a study of 1999 elderly American Society journal (J Am Geriatr Soc), showing tai chi can lower blood pressure. Their 62-year-old is greater than or equal to 60, men and women do not exercise (13 and 49 people each) study, systolic blood pressure of these subjects ranged from 130-159 mm Hg (mean 139.9 ± 9.3 mm Hg), diastolic blood pressure is low at 95 mm Hg (mean 76.0 ± 7.3 mm Hg), no antihypertensive treatment. The study subjects were randomly divided into two groups, one group doing aerobic exercise, another group playing mild chi, four days a week, 30 minutes a day, a total of 12 weeks.It was found that doing aerobic exercise and playing Taiji similar mild hypotensive effect. Aerobic exercise group reduced average systolic and diastolic blood pressure for each 8.4 ± 1.6mm Hg and 3.2 ± 1.0mm Hg; and tai chi group are each an average of 7.0 ± 1.6mm Hg and 2.4 ± 1.0mm Hg. This is important in helping the health, because hypertension is the number one risk factor for stroke (relative risk four times); and diastolic blood pressure rose 5 mm Hg, can increase the risk of stroke by 34% and 21% of coronary heart disease risk. In addition, the weight of the two groups did not change; the maximum amount of oxygen alive estimate aerobic exercise group tends to increase, while the tai chi group is not changed.

In addition, there are other benefits of Taijiquan. 1996 Journal of the American Society for the elderly (J Am Geriatr Soc), Ai jasmine (Emory) University of Wolf (SL Wolf), who "improve vulnerable and injured Technology Cooperation" (FICSIS) a study in Atlanta, for 200 (162 women, 38 men) at least 70 (mean 76.2) years old study were randomly divided into tai chi, such as balance training and education, the three groups did 15 weeks; four months after the track assessment. The results show that tai chi group can improve the physical and mental condition, reduce the risk of falling 47.5%, lower blood pressure measurements before and after the 12-minute walk.Even older people willing to exercise, but not many who can continue. 1997 Carter it (NG Kutner) and others another Atlanta "fragile and wounded technical cooperation to improve research" (FICSIS), on the 130 over the age of 70 studies also showed that tai chi group and balance training can increase the action group confidence in the peace red; but only the daily activities and overall life of the influential group tai chi, tai chi, tai chi group into a lot of people's daily activities. Tai chi can help control the body and mind at the same time, while improving the overall quality of life and stimulating sustained tai chi exercise will.

Tai chi for patients with acute myocardial infarction even recover also help. Royal Netherlands Cher (Hallamshire) hospital money too (KS Channer) and others in the 1996 Journal of the Institute of Medicine (Postgrad Med J) of a study, 126 (90 male and 36 female) 39-80 (average 56 years) with acute myocardial infarction rehabilitation patients were randomly divided into tai chi, do aerobic exercise, and do not exercise support and other three groups; the first three weeks twice a week, do a week after five weeks. Both before and after each course to measure heart rate and blood pressure. Found that only diastolic tai chi group had decreased. Systolic blood pressure and the tai chi group aerobic exercise group has decreased. In addition, those who complete all 11 courses, tai chi group at most (82%), aerobic exercise group center (73%), do not exercise a minimum of support group (4%).

Tai chi in addition to holding a large watermelon around to cool cool, it can also lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease, promote health of the elderly.

台長: 黃連順會長
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