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照片說明1鹽灘村的國術館第一練習所舊址:鹽灘村的國術館第一練習所                                                                   鹽灘村位於四方區北部,西北鄰四流南路,東南是海琴廣場,洛陽路以北,鄭州路以西,是一個有600多年曆史的古老大村。現有住戶649戶,2000多人。明朝永樂初年,於山水最早在此居住,始以海灘曬鹽為生,故得名鹽灘村。很久以前,這裡曾經是一片海灘,居住在這裡的人們歷來以燒鹽、捕魚為生,後來隨​​著海退陸進,原來的海灘上已經建起了工廠,鹽灘村也逐漸遠離海灘,開始向城市化轉化。在鹽灘村的西北處洛陽路小學南面原來有國術館第一練習所,房主是鹽灘村的王姓,這裡在抗戰前曾是高芳先教拳的場所,高在鹽灘村的徒弟有孫志勇、張宗孔、張益誌等人,相當年,在這裡走出多少抗日英雄好漢。高芳先的師傅是王永彬,地趟拳功夫了得,1935年在擂台賽上一舉挫敗天津的武術高手,被當時青島市市長沈鴻烈封為“一條漢子”。抗日戰場上,“一條漢子”在平度的一次對日激戰中陣亡。高芳先不但學了師傅的好武藝也學了師傅的愛國思想,積極投身抗日,他武藝高強智慧過人,在抗戰時期,日本鬼子對他是恨之入骨卻奈何不得,這是因為老百姓暗地裡都支持他。高芳先曾指揮“青保”和當地老百姓直接搶日軍紗廠,1943年,先後劫取富士(現國棉七廠)、上海(現國棉五廠)、豐田紗廠(現國棉四廠)等廠。為了鼓勵老百姓,規定了每人扛布的數量,除交“青保”三匹外,超過部分歸扛佈人所有,有的能扛的自己得布三、五匹之多。劫豐田紗廠時鹽灘村把大車都使上了,一路上跟上五六百老百姓,浩浩蕩盪,使日偽軍望風喪膽,給日本鬼子一個重大打擊。
高芳先1914年5月生,字天佐,山東即墨人,於南京軍官學校第3期畢業。初在鐘淵紗廠(現國棉六廠)當保全,後在鹽灘村的國術館第一練習所當教官。 30年代,青島市的國術館建的武術練習點達173處,近40萬人口的青島,有一萬人常年練武,鹽灘村的國術館排第一,可能與高芳先的威望有關。抗戰結束後,高芳先擔任了青島市副市長、保安大隊大隊長和國術館館長等職務,聽老人講,高芳先曾經和美國人比賽摔交贏了一輛美國吉普車,當時是非常轟動,還開車到過鹽灘村,看了自己發蹟的國術館第一練習所。由於舊城改造,鹽灘村現在成了太康家園,一段歷史被埋沒在高樓之下。Photo Caption 1 Martial Arts Hall of salt Tan first practice of the site ---- Salt Tan's National Museum is located in the first practice of the salt Tan Sifang northern neighbor four streams Road northwest, southeast Kum Square, Luoyang Road north west of Zhengzhou Road, is a large village 600 years old history. Existing 649 households, more than 2,000 people. Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, the first lived in the landscape, beginning with beach solar salt for a living, so named after the salt Tan. A long time ago, there used to be a beach, people living here has always been to burn salt, fishing, and later with the land back into the sea, the beach has been built on the original plant, salt is also moving away from Tan beach, began to urbanization transformation. In the northwest of salt Tan Road Primary School south of Luoyang originally had the first practice of the National Museum, the owner surnamed Wang Tan salt here in Gao Fang ago War is the first place to teach boxing, high in salt Tan disciples have Sun Zhiyong, Zong hole, Zhang Yi-chi, who, very year, in the number of anti-Japanese hero out of here.Gao Fang Wang Yongbin first master is, to wade fist martial artists, 1935 crushing defeat in the Challenge Cup martial arts experts in Tianjin, Qingdao Mayor Chen Honglie was then called "a man." The Anti-Japanese War, "a man" killed in the roughness of the first battle of the day. Gao Fang to learn not only a good teacher also learned martial arts master patriotism, and actively join the anti-Japanese, his intelligence and prowess in war, the Japanese devils to do nothing, but he is hated because people secretly support him. Gao Fang has conducted the first "green insurance" and local people directly grab the Japanese mills, in 1943, has robbed Fuji (now National Cotton seven plants), Shanghai (now National Cotton Wuchang), Toyota Spinners (now National Textile Factory) and other plants. To encourage people to require a person to carry the amount of cloth, in addition to pay, "Paul Green" three horses, the excess return of all people carry the cloth, and some can carry your own cloth was three, five horses much. When the robbery Toyota Spinners Salt Tan on the carts have to make along the way to keep up with five or six hundred people, mighty, so Japanese troops lookout faint, a major blow to the Japanese devils.Gao Fang first born in May 1914, the word Tianzuo, Jimo, Shandong people, in the first three Nanjing Military Academy graduate. Beginning at Kaneka Spinners (now National Cotton Liu Chang) when preservation after salt Tan's National Museum when the first practice of the instructor. 1930s, Qingdao Martial Arts Hall of martial arts practice built up 173 points, Qingdao, nearly 40 million people, there are a million annual martial arts, martial arts hall of salt Tan ranked first, may be associated with high aromatic related to prestige. After the end of the war, Gao Fang first served as deputy mayor of Qingdao, security battalion and martial arts curator positions, listen to the elders talk, Gao Fang first ever and American Games wrestling won an American jeep, was very sensational, but also drove to excessive salt Tan, saw his fortune first practice of the national Museum. Because of urban renewal, salt Tan Tai is now home to some of history buried under tall buildings.

台長: 黃連順會長
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