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真善美The Sound of Music

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真善美The Sound of Music

  雖然修道院的大修女與瑪莉亞分享了許多她對神職的熱情,大修女仍決定將瑪莉亞送出修道院,擔任喬治‧馮崔普上校家的家庭教師,上校乃為奧地利海軍退休軍官,自從他的妻子過逝之後,上校管理家務就如同軍事管理般,用對待軍人的方式來對待他的孩子,然而在瑪莉亞和孩子們一起獨處的幾天裡,她教導他們如何玩耍、歌唱、及享受生命,例如劇中一段長女Liesl因為愛上了傳令兵(Rolf Gruber),偷偷從家中溜出來見他。當瑪莉亞在暴風雨中用歌聲撫慰孩子們的驚恐時,她贏得了所有孩子的心。
  上校和他的未婚妻(Elsa Schraeder)、以及家族世交Max Detweiler一同回到了維也納,一開始,上校對瑪莉亞解除他對孩子所採取的軍事管教感到驚訝及憤怒,然而當他首次聽到家中久未出現的音樂之聲時,立刻被感動,因為瑪莉亞使他瞭解到,讓孩子感受他的愛是多麼重要的一件事。

It is 1938. In Nonnberg Abbey in Austria, as the nuns gather for evening prayers it becomes apparent that the postulant, Maria Rainer, is not among them. Maria is out on the mountain, singing of the joy she finds in nature, and she returns to the Abbey late, as usual. The Mother Abbess and her assistants are forced to conclude Maria is not yet ready for the religious life.
Although the Mother Abbess shares many enthusiasms with Maria, she decided to send her out of the Abbey to become temporary governess to the children of Captain George on Trapp, a retired officer of the Austrian Navy. Since the death of his wife, the Captain has taken to running his home like a battleship, and his children like military recruits. When Maria and the children have a few days alone together, however, she teaches them how to play, to sing, and to enjoy life. Liesl, the oldest child, is in the throes of first love with Rolf Gruber, a village boy, and she steals from the house to meet him. Maria wins over Liesl, indeed all of the children, when she comforts them with her singing during a thunderstorm.
The Captain returns from Vienna with his fiancee, Elsa Schraeder, and a family friend, Max Detweiler. At first astonished and angry at Maria's dismantling of the martial law he had imposed on his children, the Captain's cold reserve melts away when he hears the sound of music in his home for the first time in many years. Maria has made him realize how important it is to know and love his children.
At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.
Meanwhile the Captain is engaged in a quarrel with Elsa and Max over the Nazi invasion of Austria. While the Captain is prepared to stand up to the Nazis and defy them if necessary, Elsa is unwilling to take such risks or in any way endanger her own comfortable position. She and the Captain decide to dissolve their engagement, and she leaves. With Elsa gone, Maria and the Captain suddenly are faced with their unacknowledged love for each other, and two weeks later they are married at the Abbey.
When they return from their honeymoon, they find that the Anschluss has become fact, and that Rolf, Liesl's love, has emerged as a Nazi supporter. Max, meanwhile, is determined that the children will sing at a music festival in Salzburg as planned; though he goes against the Captain's wishes. The Nazis are about to press the Captain into military service to the Third Reich; Maria gains time for him by convincing the new authorities that, in fact, the entire von Trapp family is scheduled to sing at the Salzburg festival.
The Nazi officials allow the von Trapps to perform, while announcing that a military escort will be standing by to take the Captain to his new post in Bremerhaven. Swiftly, Maria leads the family, including the Captain, into their exit song and one by one, they disappear as Max stalls the escort. Fleeing to the Abbey, they seek refuge in the garden as soldiers search for them unsuccessfully. Finally, as the nuns wish them Godspeed, the von Trapps leave Austria for a new life and new hope, as they climb to freedom over Maria's beloved mountain.

  「奧克拉荷馬!」(Oklahoma!)之後的作品包括有Carousel (1945)、Allegro (1947)、 South Pacific (1949)、The King and I (1951)、Me and Juliet (1953)、Pipe Dream (1955)、Flower Drum Song (1958)以及「真善美」(The Sound Of Music, 1959)。
  羅傑斯與漢默斯坦特別為了大銀幕合寫了一齣音樂劇State Fair,以及為電視寫的Cinderella,總體而言,羅傑斯與漢默斯坦音樂劇贏得了34項東尼獎,15項奧斯卡獎,2項普立茲獎,2項葛萊美獎,1項艾美獎。

After long and highly distinguished careers with other collaborators, RICHARD RODGERS (composer, 1902-1979) and OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II (librettist/lyricist, 1895-1960) joined forces in 1943 to create the most consistently fruitful and successful partnership in the American musical theatre. Oklahoma!, the first Rodgers & Hammerstein musical, was also the first of a new genre, the musical play, blending Rodgers' sophisticated style of musical comedy (which he had perfected in a twenty-five year partnership with lyricist Lorenz Hart) with Hammerstein's innovations in operetta (conceived in collaboration with such composers as Sigmund Romberg, Vincent Youmans, Rudolf Friml, and Jerome Kern). Oklahoma! Was followed by Carousel (1945), Allegro (1947), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), Me and Juliet (1953), Pipe Dream (1955), Flower Drum Song (1958), and THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1959). Rodgers & Hammerstein wrote one musical specifically for the big screen, State Fair (1945; remade in 1962; adapted to the stage in 1995), and one for television, Cinderella (1957; remade in 1965, and 1997). Collectively, the Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals earned 34 Tony Awards, 15 Academy Awards, two Pulitzer Prizes, two Grammy Awqards, and one Emmy Award.

獎 項 Awards
1959-1960東尼獎 Tony Awards, 1959-1960
最佳音樂劇  Best Musical
最佳音樂劇女主角  Best Performancein Musical (female)
最佳音樂劇女配角  Best Supporting Performance in Musical (female)
最佳音樂指導  Best Music Direction
最佳票房  Best Book
最佳音樂設計  Best Score

1965奧斯卡 Academy Awards, 1965
年度最佳影片  Best Film of the Year
最佳導演  Best Director
最佳影片剪輯  Best Film Editing
最佳錄音音效  Best Sound Recording
最佳音樂設計  Best Scoring of Music (adaptation)

Billboard's Longest Running Best-Seller
The sound of Music Movie (300 weeks Top 40)

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