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2009-02-25 18:49:09| 人氣206| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Kiss the Baby Sky

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東方神起Kiss the Baby Sky


Yo! You talk you're my baby as the trainer think know why.
Your story ,another original.(come on)

ずっと僕には眩しかった そう笑顏が似合う君
zu tto bo ku ni ba ma bu shi ka tta sou e ga o ga ni a u ki mi
一直在我面前綻放的絢爛笑臉 那樣的笑很適合你

もう泣かないで 抱きしめたくなるから 君に
mo u n ka na i te da ki shi me ta ku na lu ka ra ki mi ni
早已不再哭泣 被我抱在懷中的你

Goodbye Goodbye さよならは言わない
Goodbye Goodbye sa yo na la wa i wa na i
Goodbye Goodbye 不要說再見的話語

だから先に背を向けて You'll be fine still be mind.
da ka ra sa ki ni se o u ke te You'll be fine still be mind.
所以先轉身面對著我 You'll be fine still be mind.

Baby sky All the dreams and hopes made of your eyes.

明日もきっと晴れる そのままの君でいて With me
a shi ta mo ki tto ha re lu so no ma ma no ki mi de i te With me
明天的天氣也會是晴天 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

Yeah! Hi,gets them so far,guys remain,come on.

Another day 目覺めて ふと氣付いた
Another day me za me te fu to ki zi i ta
Another day 醒來後 感覺重獲新生

消さずにおいた寫真のふたりは いつまでも笑っている
ke sa zi ni o i ta sy a no fu tar i wa i tsu ma te mo wa ra tte i ru
沒有被刪除的照片上面的兩個人 依舊還保持著笑容

Goodday Goodtime 包んでいた Your heart
Goodday Goodtime tsu tsu de i ta Your heart
Goodday Goodtime 完全包圍了 Your heart

空に手を伸ばし放つ Kiss the blue sky your sky.
so ra ni te o no ba shi ha na tsu Kiss the blue sky your sky.
伸出手觸摸著天空 Kiss the blue sky your sky.

轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
Baby sky All the dreams and hopes made of your eyes.

明日もきっと晴れる そのままの君でいて With me
a shi ta mo ki tto ha re lu so no ma ma no ki mi de i te With me
明天的天氣也會是晴天 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

TVXQ!My Hero,My Max,My U-Know,My Xiah,and Micky
Who is the one? It's all!

Everytime it's your smile on the peace.
My heart is 99 be once.
It's christ feel,on the same of my rise.
You who give the kiss lang time.

When you come to my corner.
It's all through this time.
It take even shot one time.
Took what i feel give me no more.
Every life rocks now,somebody to love.

Never cry, Never ever hide of myself prime.

未來はきっと笑う そのままの君でいて With me
mi ra i wa ki tto wa ra u so no ma ma no ki mi de yi te With me
未來一定會裝滿笑容 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

Baby sky All the dreams and hopes made of your eyes.

明日もきっと晴れる そのままの君でいて With me
a shi ta mo ki tto ha re lu so no ma ma no ki mi de i te With me
明天的天氣也會是晴天 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

Never cry, Never ever hide of myself prime.

未來はきっと笑う そのままの君でいて With me
mi ra i wa ki tto wa ra u so no ma ma no ki mi de yi te With me
未來一定會裝滿笑容 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

Baby sky All the dreams and hopes made of your eyes.

明日もきっと晴れる そのままの君でいて With me
a shi ta mo ki tto ha re lu so no ma ma no ki mi de i te With me
明天的天氣也會是晴天 像這樣一直擁有你 With me

台長: 不懂
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