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超耐磨強化地板三氧化二鋁Aluminum oxide介紹

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三氧化二鋁Aluminum oxide介紹:


三氧化二鋁,英文別名:Aluminum oxide,也叫剛玉,化學式:Al2O3,難溶於水的白色固體,無味,質地極硬,易吸潮而不潮解,能溶於無機酸和鹼性溶液中,幾乎不溶於水。 


台長: 木地板專業坊

Experience Superior Quality with Aluminum Profiles - https://www.goldapple-alu.com/aluminum-profile.html. Our aluminum profiles are manufactured to the highest standards, guaranteeing exceptional quality and performance. With a range of shapes and sizes available, you can choose the ideal profile for your construction or industrial projects. Rely on our corrosion-resistant and long-lasting solutions.
2023-06-10 18:47:14
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