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2021-02-07 15:53:43

幸福電台FM 102.5

又增加一家令人幸福的廣播電台了,歡迎大家參考&聆聽 幸福電台 https://www.tr-radio.com/ *** 2019/12 (開台新聞) 「幸福電台」開台禮拜 用酸甜苦辣化為幸福故事向世界傳遞愛 https://www.ct.org.tw/1354...

2021-02-06 20:24:53

2021 短片分享 A short movie to share-《伊竟還鄉》-呂代豪的故事

2021短片分享 A short movie to share (歡迎分享&留言) **短片分享 A short movie to share: 電影名稱Movie:《伊竟還鄉》 影片長度RunningTime:19.32分鐘minutes https://cdn-news.org/news/24920?cat=%E7%...

2021-02-06 17:22:20

2021/2/6 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/2/6詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: Seek Ye First/你們要先求祂的國和祂的義 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LMQfOp9w8k (English) https://www.youtube.com/w...

2021-02-06 16:52:08

2021/元/30 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/元/30 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: I Will Wait for You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eJUqY_6tqo&ab_channel=KeithandKristynGetty 一生愛你 htt...

2021-01-29 12:57:47


1月,2021~一起唱個歌 有一天/One Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96WDXhk6qjU 恩典夠用 Sufficient Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2feIz0Rprg 脚步 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3rjGMB1...

2021-01-24 16:54:54

2021/元/23 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/元/23 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 1."金和銀(我都沒有)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7IQ_MMSAC8 2.Silver and Gold Have I None https://www...

2021-01-16 20:35:33

2021/元/16 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/元/16 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 1. Great is Thy Faithfulness https://youtu.be/oW_-XPE-zec 2. ㄧ生敬拜祢 https://youtu.be/nGzADKIDf4A 3. I lov...

2021-01-16 16:54:34


12月,2020~一起唱個歌 1.곰세마리 /Gom Se Mali/ (Three Bears- Gom Se Mari) - Korean Children Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNM6MccUPnQ 2.きらきらぼし (Kira Kira Boshi...

2021-01-16 16:34:46

3歲半可愛男孩背誦A-Z聖經金句4 yr old boy recites Bible verses

Tanner, 4 yr old boy recites Alphabet with Powerful Bible verses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxLP2lR7tJA 3歲半可愛男孩背誦A-Z聖經金句 https://chinese.gospelherald.com/articles/26568/20180309/3...

2021-01-16 16:31:30

2021/元/9 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/元/9 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: Psalm 121( I Lift My Eyes ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxtMjBsN2FE&feature=emb_title Yet Not I But Through ...

2021-01-16 16:29:49

2021/元/2 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2021/元/2 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 一顆謙卑的心 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ll1NoVu9A4 我渴望看見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRmDdvNJ4hc ...

2021-01-09 20:44:04


週日職場講座 主題Topic:美妙人生是管理出來的 Time時間:2021/1/17(日)14:00 Speaker講員:東華大學管理學院院長許芳銘教授Place地點:懷恩堂大堂/台北市新生南路三段90號B1樂民館 (捷運公館站3號出口)Tel電話:02-2...

2020-12-29 14:58:20


1.男性限定:女性內心世界的直白剖析(2020出版) For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women 作者:桑蒂.菲德翰,傑夫.菲德翰新功能介紹 原文作者:Shaunti Feldhahn,Jeff Fe...

2020-12-28 15:08:39


自由行補助方案 ♦參加方式: 1.本國自由行旅客於安心旅遊網站登記申請。 2.在安心旅遊網站輸入基本資料及上傳身分證件(身份證、健保卡)。 3.入住安心旅宿,每人每房折抵住宿費1,000元(一個身分證字號限...

2020-12-28 14:49:05

Young Adults Fellowship

Young Adults Fellowship is for young adults from the age of 20-35 to study God’s Word and grow together. It meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in WanFu 22 (next to GBC building)....

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