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2020-12-08 13:07:55| 人氣636| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Articles via Winnipeg Free Press_1of2

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A word of advice as we head into winter: Friluftsliv.
No, that’s not a typo. Pronounced free-loofts-liv, it’s the Scandinavian philosophy of celebrating the outdoors and connecting with nature regardless of the weather.
"Friluftsliv" might be hard to pronounce but it’s a good concept to embrace right now as the days grow colder — don’t let this above-normal first week of December fool you — and shorter but our activity options remain the same.
Sabrina Carnevale looks at the friluftsliv philosophy and how it can help Winnipeggers brave the elements: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/....../dont-let......
我們進入冬季時的建議: Friluftsliv.
不, 這不是打字. 發音為自由閣樓-liv, 這是斯堪的納維亞哲學, 無論天氣如何, 在戶外慶祝並與大自然保持聯絡.
′′ Friluftsliv ′′可能很難發音, 但隨著日子越來越冷, 現在接受它是個好概念-不要讓這個高於正常的12月的第一周傻傻傻的你-而且更短, 但我們的活動選擇仍然保持不變.
薩布里娜·卡內維爾看著friluftsliv理念以及它如何幫助溫尼伯勇敢的元素: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/....../dont-let......
📰 ABOVE THE FOLD: Essential reads for December 4, 2020
1️⃣️ Health system on the brink due to high daily COVID counts
2️⃣️ Tom Brodbeck: New wrinkle in Manitoba's confusing pandemic roadmap
3️⃣️ Manitoba's stale indoor winter air provides an ideal environment for COVID-19 spread, scientists say
A Second World War veteran who spent decades giving back to his community of Transcona and whose name graces a Winnipeg street, has died from COVID-19.
John Cochrane, 94, died at the Park Manor Care home on Nov. 27, after moving there in early March, just before pandemic cases began to be reported in Manitoba.
Reporter Joyanne Pursaga spoke with Cochrane’s daughter about how he’ll be remembered: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/....../humble......
一位花了幾十年時間回饋他的Transcona社羣, 他的名字優雅於溫尼伯街道的第二次世界大戰退伍軍人死於新冠病毒.
John Cochrane, 94歲, 於11月在公園莊園關懷之家去世. 27, 3月初搬到那裡後, 就在馬尼托巴省報告流行病病例
記者Joyanne Pursaga與Cochrane的女兒談到了他如何被銘記: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/....../humble......
A Winnipeg artist is trying to refurbish 2020’s gloomy image – by collecting 2,020 pairs of pyjamas for needy schoolchildren this holiday season.
For the ninth straight year, Carmela Wade is organizing her Visions of Sugarplums Pyjama Project, a drive to provide needy schoolchildren in the community with the gift of new PJs for the holidays.
Doug Speirs has the full story on the project: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/....../gift-of-a-hug......
連續第九年, Carmela Wade正在組織她的糖梅子睡衣願景, 這是向社羣中貧困的學童提供節日新睡衣禮物的動力.

台長: WitchVera
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