【Urgent】How could a tree, actually it’s morethan three, cut this way by people who lives around there?
Late yesterday(15, September) I rode mybicycle along the road of Yangmei, Hsinwu and Kuanyin in Taoyuan County. Duringthe time almost sun-set, arrived a three-year-new housing estate located inKuanyin township. And found people talked about the banyan tree that cut byresident. The banyan tree had been cut almost from the bottom, no tree trunk,no more leaves.
The reasons I heard about cutting treesthere was: 1) the root will cause the road damaged 2) May also collapse the foundationsof building base across the street 3)too many fallen-leaves to clean up everyyear.
Shall go there, take latest photos and upto date this blog later today. But, if anyone who read this may help to savethe other threes, please kindly help and do not hesitate to let me know.
↑ KuanYin_CutTree 09002014.jpg The photo that Google searched on line shall look like above which took on/about November 2011, yet not available to enter the path that red-arrow mentioned.
Inaddition, I’ve found the reason I don’t sleep well these nights.
========Up to date as underneath, 17/ September/ 2014========
↑ P1040472 a.jpg 砍了六顆, 標示1在土地正中央的高地上. 猜想下方不會都是大石頭才這樣砍樹吧?
↑ P1040475 a.jpg 標示1 與標示6
↑ P1040476 a.jpg 樹下也有長得好的花草, 有支撐.
↑ 桃觀鄉工字第1020025797號.jpg 把施工的養護公司與負責的公務員遮起來.
↑ 什麼花.jpg 桃園的馬路旁似乎很常見, 是境外移入種嗎? 是什麼花呢?
進去數了 有六棵是軀幹整個沒了,
只剩離地表大約10公分的根, 明擺著要樹死! 因為要從根長葉子的時間與機會, 不會比整株存活容易吧? 再者, 樹並不是生病, 或是準備底部做成樹球, 移植到更合適的林場。 但, 說太多又畢竟我不是植物病蟲害系高材生, 也不是植物醫生!
照片外的編號第2 與第3棵旁邊種了好幾棵小樹了, 恰好是社區入口處又擠不了同張照片裡。
其它修理過的樹枝多半切口平整, 只是沒有包覆裹藥, 且確實修整後有利於行走。 依切口看來傷口多半有半年至一年左右時間,
其實不是心痛, 當場也有觀音鄉公所回文對該社區指示, 榕樹的根確實盤根錯節, 破壞力強, 但隔著步道、 花廊、 水溝, 還有柏油路面才是社區地基,
其實恐怕還沒傷到路面或地基, 樹就因為排水與呼吸的問題而病或爛根了, 估計也要10~30年才有傷害吧! (WitchVera: 法鼓山金山園區由市政府於民國86年列管的七棵雀榕, 三年前有一棵重病而就地醫治與架鋼材支撐, 日前去看了 活得有尊嚴, 也感恩聖嚴師父一直對土地與物種的尊重!)
順道拍了社區的美化, 有山牡丹、太陽花、 黃蟬花, 植披狀況也不錯, 鳥類大約也有麻雀、 鴿子、 綠繡眼、 白頭翁, 還有彼此不認識的什麼鳥啦~~ 還順便撿拾了一袋垃圾, 就是菸頭、 空菸盒、 飲料空盒、 壓破的寶特瓶、 塑膠袋這些了。
文章寫來真是殺傷力有餘, 完全沒效果是真的。 少數沒被境外移入植物侵害的環境, 其實就在這個社區, 最近的菟絲仔也在五百公尺外, 還有許多雜生的藍紫色花的植物, 據悉是菲律賓移入的,
可否請熟識者解惑啊? (境外移入的菟絲仔與銀合歡, 真是除之不盡 + 恨之入骨!!)
有道是: 世人皆看金裝、 房車與透天厝, 開口閉口咆嘯擺土豪, 彎腰俯拾皆學問, 能做來者有幾人?