Reef-building found in the west coast of Taiwan which is showed the way that alga reef lives on the rock. It increased 0.7cm in every 10-year and already continuing to live in this area for more than 7500-year. This little pink species benefits our land and our environment.

↑ 1545869 01.jpg The pink area on the rock is showed the reef-building, it increased 0.7cm in every ten years.
The‘polar vortex’ affected about 240 million people in United States and southern Canada on 8th January 2014. So many photos about the freezing air and polar vortex that turned the cascading water to ice under the Rainbow Bridge during the half of this week that you could search on-line.
Meanwhile in North Taiwan, some species rely on the alga reef in the sea coast of Hsinwu, Taoyuan county, indeed. This area is a good place of cradle to sea star, sea anemones, sea lily, Oyster……etc. But, the industrial waste polluted the water can also hurt the land and killed the species in the west cost of Taiwan.
12 January 2014, a meeting that present the way that our environment had been polluted and how deep the species rely on the sea coast in Taoyuan for Neili neighbors. It helps people to think over the land we left behind for our next generation.
In addition, an outdoor walking activity shall take place on 04 May 2014, for the alga reef and other species lives in the sea coast of KuanYin, Hsinwu.
Some photos took by Mr. Pan as underneath for you to refer.
一零三年元月(08January 2014)北美洲約有二百四十萬人受北極冰旋的影響,與低溫和冰雪共存. 例如:加拿大˙安大略省尼加拉瓜瀑布區的彩虹橋下, 河水因冷空氣與北極冰旋 的作用產生結冰狀況,在網路上很容易就搜尋到相關的新聞與照片。
約莫相似的時間, 北台灣也壟罩在冷空氣、 低溫、 空汙高標的環境下,位在桃園縣新屋鄉濱海, 觀新藻礁區還是許多生物所仰賴如育嬰床般的, 提醒我們工業廢水不但汙染了水質, 也毀了環境與這些生物。
元月份假日潘先生向內壢里的社區媽媽們做周遭環境的解說, 認識與我們共存的生物,並進而思考我們留給下一代的子孫怎樣的環境。 此外更持續有潘先生及熱心人士的關注,預計於5月4日一場為了藻礁的千人健走活動正籌備中。
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