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2007-06-25 14:07:35| 人氣710| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tornados in Manitoba, CA

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Nice to know you are OK, and Winnipeg is OK. Not sure how about the others..(xxxxx & xxxx)if they are not yet back to Taiwan. Tornados happened here sometimes, but most of them were on the sea, or not that near the cities.

We have earthquakes, flood, mudflows and landslides, it happened when I was a kid. Somehow, we could do more for the earth and next generation. So, we turned off the lights and A/C for 2hours on last Friday’s night as a begining, just do something before it’s too late. To be honest, it’s really hot for temperature (30C up)these days in Taiwan.

Enjoy and take care.

From: Greg
To: Vera
Subject: RE: about Tornados
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:59:12 -0500

A tornado just hit Elie a few days ago, and I think there were more last night. The weather is getting stranger and stranger. I think we now have the weather that used to only be in the US, about 1000 km south of here. Global warming is making the climate change quite noticeably these days, I think. Winnipeg is ok, but who knows in the future... The rivers change the weather a bit near the city, I guess. At least there are no earthquakes :)

From: Vera
Subject: about Tornados
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 00:45:08 +0000


Just read the news here which is about the tornados hit Manitoba on last week. It seemed not muct damage be caused in Winnipeg, but a small town Elie had wind speeds of up to 417 kilometres per hour. Rarely to have news about Canada, or even about Manitoba be reported here.

I’d like to know if you are OK from the tornados, I know not all the tornados are scary, but still feel worry about enviromental changed though.

PS. Photo was free download from www.ctv.ca

台長: WitchVera
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