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2006-01-06 17:38:07| 人氣4,084| 回應1 | 下一篇

When We First Meet

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HsinWu White Geese Farm, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

↑ 照片 085 a.JPG took on 11 Jan 2009 by Canon EOS 400D.

Hsin Wu white Geese farm was found by Mr. Jumei Chen, which is located at Hsin Wu, Tao Yuan hsien. Since 1979, the white geese farm had 100 geese only, which was still a traditional type. Nowadays, it owns more than 15,000 white geese which are conducting by Hsin Wu Farmers’ Cooperative for several years. Mr. Chen, who is almost 70 years old, works with the crew, more than 10 persons currently. He’d like to ensure this farm running steady. Most of the white geese were sold to geese restaurants (of neighbor) located at Hsinwu. Also, the requests from the other restaurants of Jung Li, Tao Yuan, and Hsin Ju are acceptable as well.

The mix-blood-goose is the way to improve the quality, which was come up by Hsin Wu Farmers’ Cooperative. They choice the Hsin Wu local male geese and Denmark White Roman female geese as two basic races, because of the Hsin Wu local geese have better chewing, and White Roman geese growing faste. Mr. Chen will choice healthy White Roman geese copulates with local male geese for breeding by every 4~5 years. All the geese were fed by vegetable, such as dry corn, soy-beans powder, and crops bran. That’s why the geese keep chewing sweet and tasty. Also, Mr. Chen insist to keep the geese grow up in wild without any stockade; no wonder it’s easily to see the geese around the farm if you visit there. Besides, the geese troop is another attractive action, that will always take place in this farm twice in one day, you can see the geese act as one only, just like army do!

Not only just the geese meal is sold to the market, but also the eggs and feather are valuable. For example, the eggs were keep in low-temperature around 3 - 7, to ensure the storage time lasting to one month more before the eggs were sold. In addition, it’s a last promote-item for the geese eggs boiled with tea leaves. The feather were purchased by local trader already, therefore, white-goose down-jacket or blanket can be produced. The infant white geese were sold to the other farmers nearby, for breeding as well.

To supply high quality and finest breed of white geese always is the goal that Mr. Chen and his crew would like to make. Compare with antibiotics be left to the chicken, the organic breed will be insist in this farm. To improve the geese’ eggs market should be the next priority. The recipes and photos will be present by this blog soon!

(written on Jan 06 2006, upload on 31 Mar 2010)


照片 083 a.JPG took on 11 Jan 2009 by Canon EOS 400D.

台長: WitchVera
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