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Dear friends,
I’m sending this story on behalf of Cheau Ho, the wife of Tay Tuang Mee(TM). TM had just passed away on 23 March 2006. His wife would like to thankeverybody who had been around to support them. She would also like to convey her special thanks to Emily for her ability to relate Rinpoche’s instructions to her in such a calm and clear voice and for reporting so accurately about TM’s condition to Rinpoche.

我謹代表Cheau Ho——Tay Tuang Mee(TM)的妻子,把這個故事分享給大家。

TM已在2006年3月26日離開了人世。他的妻子感謝曾經圍繞在他們身邊幫助的每一個人。亦非常感謝Emily ,清楚無誤地將TM的狀況報告給仁波切,並且以非常穩定且清晰的聲音傳達了仁波切的指示。

With the help of my Dharma friends Frank Lee and Ng Ching Ee, I have written this story based on Cheau Ho’s account of what had happened. It is our wish that the story would serve as an inspiration to all readers and motivates eve ryone to practice hard.
在法友Frank Lee和Ng Ching Ee的幫助下,我將Cheau Ho敘述經過寫成了這篇故事。我們希望這個故事能夠賦予啟發,並激勵我們更認真的修行。

Cheau Ho would like to request that all merits be dedicated to TM, for himto meet Rinpoche again as soon as he has taken rebirth and continue to receive teachings from him.
Cheau Ho希望能將所有功德迴向給TM,他希望能儘快轉世,再度成為仁波切的學生,繼續接受法教。

Please feel free to circulate it to whoever whom you think may benefit from it.

Best wishes to all,
Jing Rui

I never imagined that this would happen. Just two months ago I was stillthinking to myself, ”Though it’s been taught that life is full of suffering,things are actually going quite well for me.” Little did I expect that just two months down the road, everything in my life changed drastically - my husband, my spiritual friend, the loving father of my two young kids, left us all in a sudden.

On 24 Feb 2006, TM was diagnosed to have jaundice. On 27 Feb 2006, he wasadmitted to the hospital for cirrhosis (hardening of liver).

We immediately sent email to our root guru, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, to request for his advice. We were not sure if Rinpoche would read the email, as he was undergoing retreat at that time.

Just within a week, the doctor informed us that TM’s kidney was failing too.We were told that TM may need to go through dialysis. This made me really anxious and afraid, as I was aware that dialysis was a very painful process and I really did not want TM to go through such torment.

I frantically sent several emails to Rinpoche again, reques ting him to help TM. However, we still did not receive any reply. Feeling very desperate, I suggested to TM that we could approach other teachers/Rinpoches to help him. However, TM rejected the suggestion. He said firmly, ”All the blessings and teachings given by Rinpoche (root guru) would be enough for me. If all these still don’t help, then nothing else could work.”

Not long after that, I received a phone call from Ang, who passed me the message that Rinpoche asked me to call him up. I called Rinpoche and we spoke through the help of Emily. (Rinpoche was not able to speak directly to me as he was still in retreat.) I was advised to offer $1000 to the giving of life (animal release) in the name of TM.

I still vividly remember that on the morning before the animal release, the doctor warned me that TM’s kidney was in pretty bad shape.

To our surprise, on the same day after the animal release, we were informed that TM’s kidney unexpectedly responded to the medication and turned around. Furthermore, the liver condition had stabilized!

Meanwhile, Rinpoche also requested OT Rinpoche to conduct a Amitayus Drubchen for TM.

By the third week of March 2006, TM’s lungs were infected (pneumonia) and he had to rely on the ventilator to breathe. I felt extremely helpless as I watched TM’s situation deteriorate day by day. I was at my wits’ end. As I walked along the same corridor to see the doctor everyday, my heart was thumping madly, my head was swirling and my body felt so light that it as if I was floating. Everyday, it was as though I was walking on the road to
hell. I felt like I was going crazy.

Rinpoche was my only source of hope then, and I desperately clung on to this source of hope. It was only until now then I realized that Rinpoche had been drop ping me many hints that TM was not going to make it.

Rinpoche told me several times that the MO (divination) was not good. However, I was not ready to listen to this. Everyday, I kept begging Rinpoche to do more pujas for TM. I was literally trying to ”squeeze out” some hope or good news from Rinpoche.

Seeing my denial, Rinpoche tried to wake me up, ”I should really tell you the truth. The MO is really no good. You have found the best doctor and we have done a lot of pujas for him. You have done the best for him in Singapore, and I have done the best for him in India.”

Still, I was not able to hear Rinpoche’s message . Unable to accept the pending loss of TM, I persistently requested Rinpoche to conduct pujas for TM. Finally, Rinpoche said, ”Let’s wait for the MO to turn better before we do anymore puja.”

Now as I recall these messages, I still feel deeply moved by Rinpoche’s kindness. He was so skilful at helping me slowly understand and accept the fact that TM would never come home with me anymore.

At this point, TM was also beginning to lose spirit. Rinpoche encouraged him by saying, ”If you can be a bit better, you can come and see me in Taiwan with a bit of hardship.” This really motivated TM to become strong again.

Amid all the fear and anxiety I faced everyday, there were occasionally some encouraging signs. On 19 March 2006, TM told us that he dreamt of dakas coming and bringing him around Orchard Road (where the hospital was located). They even offered him food which was in the form of air. We
continued to support TM by reminding him to practice and chanting alongside with him.

By 21 March 2006, TM was gradually running into confusion. Just before he slipped into coma, TM suddenly asked me, ”Where is my Vajrasattva?” I told him that it’s ok, I’ll chant Vajrasattva together with him.

When I contacted Rinpoche, he assured me that the ”MO did not give up”. He instructed me to start chanting Om Mani Padme Hung for TM and to remind him of his Guru and his teaching.

台長: 小V
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