Pic: Basketball times, miss it soo much :/
Haha, okay,
Havn’t posted in quite a loooonnnnggg time.
Singapore has been better XD
No more scary bugs in my room -.-
It’s still a mess though.
And my phone has money again :D
Haha, had money like a week ago already actually.
So right,
Had SakiSushi the other day with Leo.
Yayyeeee thanks for the treat :D
Then bought a lipbalm from The Body Shop :D
Everything smells sooooooo terribly good there!><
Hahaa, i would buy the whole shop man,
I swear ><
After that,
Meet Julie the nextday,
Went back to St.Nicks together,
Saw SweeEn and Martha Ching!XD
Omgggg lah,
Never seen you guys in such a long time.
So we sat and started chatting,
We planned to visit the tchers but in the end never -.-
I miss St.Nicks so much man, haha.
All the stalls are still there,
Including the orange bowl and the drink stall uncle is still the same!:D
(Julie realised that, not me -.-)
Then then,
Victo 我把頭髮弄好了:D
Rebonded my hair again,
Hahha [:
Then the next day,
Went to church,
Not been to church in a longggggg time as well.
Yesterday was my first day at Canberra Sec.
Hahaha anyways,
Zee was the first one who made me laugh yesterday man,
i stick a tatoo on her ass sayin
”i will never mess with viv again”
Yepppp that made me laugh really hard XD
Then at night,
Heard some very shocking news i couldn’t really get over.
Then i was totally freeting out (ask Songjin -.-)
Then right Zee video called me through MSN,
And was like,
I wanted to ask if i sound like a hot guy.
And i broke out laughing damn hard again -.-
Then then stayed up till 12 to wish Songjin happybday,
So i’m like damnnn tired today :/
Was my second day of school today.
It was okayyyyyyyy :D
Better then the first day :D
Had some morning run today, inwhich i completly did not run.
Feel so happy bout that [:
Then had IT class,
And so i was sitting on this guys seat,
Haha then so like he had no where to sit right,
So he kinda asked me to move,
Then he got dissed by Fareze [?, sorry not sure how to spell] and his friend,
Wheeeee,so happy :D
They both are damn funny lahh :D
And and and,
That program they were using in the IT lesson is sooooooooooooooooooo cool!!
Then there was recess,
Didn’t eat anything again man,
Lol, wasn’t hungry again -.-
So i bought chrysanthemum tea :DD
Then there was some other lessons,
The Chinese!
The teacher turned off the fans for practically the whole lesson -.-
And didn’t want to turn it back on.
And may i please know, for what ?!
In the end he turned it on for the last 15mins or something.
]:< angry .. -.-
Haha, then had Maths, last period,
Was super lost on Quadractic equations x.X
Forgot everything Mr. Callaghan taught in G8 mannn :/
After schoooooool,
We WALKED to Sunplaza instead of taking the bus o.O
Hahaha, going green see ^^
Lol, anyways,
Was supposed to meet my mom but she was still highlighting her hair -.-
So came home instead.
Got math and food tech homework sial ><
Damn lazy to do it,
Hahhaa, but better do ><

Wheeeee [:
songjinnnnn dearrrrrr,
Happy birthdayyyyyyy!:D
Happy bitrhdayyyy to youu toooo!:D
Okay i’ll end here [: