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2007-08-25 15:38:12| 人氣287| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

you are the music in me

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Na na na na yeah

You are the music in me

You know the words

"Once Upon A Time"

Make you listen?

There’s a reason.

When you dream there’s a chance you’ll find

A little laughter

or happy ever after

yeah harmony to the melody

It’s echoing inside my head

A single voice (Single voice)

Above the noise

And like a common thread

Hmm, you’re pulling me

When I hear my favorite song

I know that we belong

Oh, you are the music in me

Yeah it’s living in all of us

And it’s brought us here because

Because you are the music in me

台長: 蛆蛆羿♡
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