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2020-07-27 00:27:04| 人氣563| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Stop some people say

This man has no fun
But he changed his way
When the day has gone
Friday night - a crazy fever
And he got George Clooney´s heart
No one´s fool
Charmin´n cool
He broke each rule

He´s like Jekyll & Hyde - he has two faces
It´s another night - when he played a role
In the discolight - he won all races
He kissed the girls and they´re running mad
He´s like Jekyll & Hyde - he´s a gentleman
Summer party nights - and he kissed again
To the morning light - Babe he lived for joy
On the other side - he´s a lonely boy
He´s like Jekyll & Hyde
This man has two different faces
Stop the night has come
And he left his town
Boys were on the run
And they´re feeling down
Stupid guy or womanizer
This man has lost his simple mind
No one´s fool
Charmin´n cool
He broke each rule

台長: uni2019
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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