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'3 minutes of terror': Peninsula man becomes victim of racist, pornographic 'Zoombombing,' shares warning

MILLBRAE, Calif. (KGO) -- Racial slurs, pornography and overall menacing behavior. This is what a Peninsula man experienced when he held an online seminar for potential clients.

"When it happened I was dumbfounded and I can't forget those three minutes of terror," says Guno Sutiono, a financial planner from Millbrae.

Guno holds webinars several times a week but during a recent one was caught off guard by several 'Zoombombers,' as they're known. These bombers are unwanted guests who enter public video chats and "bomb" the meeting with inappropriate images and speech.

What Guno experienced was so unpleasant, even we had a hard time blurring it out.

"They started to draw a lot of things and take over my screen and put obscenities, obscene language and nakedness and hate language. Finally I got overwhelmed and felt violated."

Unfortunately for Guno, who can command an audience of 70 or more during his seminars, he lost all of the potential clients who were participating.

"I don't know how much damage these people are doing, to my business for example, so it's kind of sad."

台長: uni2019
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