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2006-05-01 21:01:00| 人氣247| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Another period

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Here comes another period.

I was subjected to the harshest possible conditions of my life now.

I struggle that should I take this chance to break through my life.

I understand that I will burden myself with a heavy millstone for a long time if I do dare to take that.

However,if I dare to take this risk, I wouldn’t have any sorrow in my rest of life.

If not, I would be just a fraidy cat than an ignoramus,a nobody to the end.

Should I ? I fall into a deep consideration now.

Dear God, please grant me the wisdom from Your Words and lead me to the bright.

Like You ever said to me,all my labors is to honor You.

台長: 茱莉亞
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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