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2019-07-18 08:21:13| 人氣196| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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返美至今已四個多月過去,回想過去的一年,從年初開始忙到年底,像個無頭蒼蠅似無目的地忙,從台灣度假會來後更嚴重,一直到上個禮拜Tradeweb K-1s go out,才有了鬆半口氣的時間.

今年的4/15 busy season,真可以說是我八年來最stressful的一次. So stressful to a point where I begin to doubt whether this job is really worth it or not?

4/13的那個週末,是返美後第二個沒有工作的週末. 仔細一想,能夠每個週末都這樣有多好?而我又為了什麼要過著每天都工作做不完的日子?薪水也不夠高,人也不夠nice...

一轉眼,2019年已過了四個月,當初想完成的大決定,一樣都沒有做到. 工作上,量不但沒有減少,似乎還比以前更有壓力,而且時間竟然一樣長. 

10 years count as a decade,如今,80% of a decade has past,and I have spent it all on a job that I used to think was everything of my life,which I've soon realized,may not be worth the time, but was too late.

有沒有可能有那麼一天,我真的做到caring less of the job,以自己為中心,去追求自己想要的?I always try to frontload work on the weekend,but if things aren't done,so be it?

這陣子常想到the amount of money they pay,really isn't worth the amount of stress involved.  Tradeweb這個客戶實在是太強人所難了. 是真的該好好想想換換工作了. Perhaps try quitting without a job first?

台長: MiSs薰
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