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2007-10-01 05:55:11


佛帝魔回來了!! 在第一級的時候被歐比王砍兩半然後掉進深淵 但是我們卻不知道是死是活 我都還沒看過癮他的戰鬥 所以我畫了這一張 下半身是機器 然後再度訓練自己 希望有招一日在跟歐比王決戰

2007-07-25 02:29:56

New Picture By Graphic Tablet

我的新作 第一張用手繪版畫的畫 初學者沒什麼 只是個新的嘗試 當然是想像畫 沒有主題 背景定在外太空 其實還蠻像外星人的 還請各位多多包含

2007-07-11 05:46:19

New Power "Graphic Tablet"

This is my personal Graphic Tablet It become my new power to increase my drawing ability In the future, I will use this new power as well And Help my ability This picture just my practice What yo...

2007-07-01 15:20:47

Oil Painting!!

這是我的新作品 沒主題 只是張很普通的油畫 可是我是畫在滑板踩的地方 基本上美國很少有人畫畫在那一面 即使有也不是說很細緻 我是畫蠻細的 當然等到他乾了以後 我就會拿出去滑滑嚕!!

2007-06-25 07:52:28

((Big Mouth Angel))

又是一幅想像畫 大嘴天使喜歡傳消息 一天到晚講不停 當然自己有時也會情不自禁

2007-06-13 23:04:21

"The Simpsons"

這又是另一件我的大作品 題材取自於搞笑動畫"The Simpsons" 當然我的習慣是不100%仿造 所以我加了殭屍跟機器做融合 故事是說孩子跟父母間的戰爭 慢慢欣賞八!!

2007-06-09 02:49:35


又是一幅想像畫 因為ice cream的ice 念音跟eyes一樣 所以我見以這念法一樣的觀點去創作 就是這幅拉

2007-06-05 00:13:24

Final Project!!

這是我2D設計的Final Project 我是全班力最特殊的 有人用拼貼 有人畫壓顆力 有人用油畫 其實做後這的作品沒有題目 但是我就是與眾不同

2007-05-13 23:50:59

Pan-African Study!!

This is my English class 097. My professor who standing next to me. He is a nice guy. Hard but useful.

2007-05-02 07:51:46


Danger, Danger, and Danger!! 難道這是我最後的醫學期 才剛上大學的我 因為英文課上的不是很好 就有可能被退學 在兩個禮拜就要期末考了 如果把期末考弄好的話 還有可能繼續留在這嗎? 說不能放棄 可是都要...

2007-04-06 10:59:15

牙齒狀況 爸媽請看 重要的!!!

今天是4/5/07 Jeff’s 媽媽帶我去看牙科 根據我的X光檢查 我最痛的那顆 後面有一個大洞 而且那不是智齒 是大臼齒 我的上排牙根本沒有智齒的骨頭喔 但是下排有 很奇特 接下來 牙醫師也看到我其他的牙齒也有...

2007-03-19 03:36:47


This picture basically come from Sponge BoB, which is one of the popular animation in America I just make a little different with original vision. I creat hero vision of Sponge BoB!!

2007-03-04 11:14:53

Imagination 2!!

This is my second great great project Of course no name Only audience can decide the name The meaning of picture Of course depends on you And I start to draw the third I will finish in the nea...

2007-02-18 14:27:24


This is my new picture. It was made by pen. No penail before pen. Everything was come from my imagination. There is no second one in this world. Very special for me now. And I will continou to u...

2007-02-02 15:28:49

DADA is a student!!

Finally I become a regular student. And I already start my first week class. Everything was pretty good. I got a lot of experience about University. Incloud choosing classes or work with American....

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