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2007-10-21 21:16:38| 人氣136| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Tracy is in flu again... I am sorry to tell that...

I made myself some honey tea last night, a little bottle of honey, makes 2 and a bit more cups of honey tea.
At the last cup, there was only few bottle, I tired to scoop out all the last bit of honey, but it’s still difficult to get.

Then, I filled in some water, wanted to blend the honey.
And finally, I got the little bit last honey. But, it’s not sweet enough for a cup.

You know what?
When someone doesn’t love you anymore, but the silly you still tired hard to get love from him, no matter you give more and more over, the final result must not be good as we expect. Sometimes even worse.

So, don’t be greedy.
Just enjoy our first cup of honey, and let it become our best memories.

台長: 吹時
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 傷春悲秋 |

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