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2007-08-11 21:29:30| 人氣132| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Beyond 3000years

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作曲/編曲/ 監製 :陳輝陽

再見 唔好怪我第一句就同你講再見
Goodbye, please forgive me the first sentense is say goodbye to you
Because I am specially here say bye to you

你唔講野 淨係聽我講野 
You were silent, only listen to me.
果陣時個世界好安靜 無而家咁嘈 襯得我特別吱喳 特別開心
The world was so quiet that time, not noisy as now, it lining me as a buzzy girl, but a happy girl
我記得 同你去睇日落 你會響我耳仔邊講野 你講得好細聲
In my memory, we went to see the sunset, you whispered to me, lightly
其實我一鱔都聽唔清楚咖 不過 我好鍾意聽你噉樣同我講野
Actually I couldn’t hear you clearly, but I just like the way you whispered to me
以後 再無人咁樣同我講野喇 因為你話畀我知 你要走喇
Hereafter, no body whisper to me like that anymore, because you told me, you gonna leave
忽然間 經過左好多年 我無再睇過日落
Suddenly, this is many years later, I didn’t see the sunset anymore

我記得 你同我去過既每一個地方
I still remember everywhere we’ve been.
果D地方 通通留係我心裡面
All the sight still in my heart
我唔會講 我老喇 我只係會講 我係度太耐 
I wont say ”I am getting old”, but I would just say, ”I’ve been here too long time”
時間耐左 難免知道人總會慢慢咁將過去淡忘
As time goes by, it’s hard to avoid, the memory would fade out from people’s mind.
又會睇住D野 無聲無息咁樣消失
And I witness everything disappeared silently.

我點解要走 ?
Why should I go?
我先兩日 唔知諗緊乜野 無端端走左去睇日落
Two days ago, suddenly I don’t know why, I went to see the sunset with no reason
個日落 就同我記得陪住你睇果個樣一樣
The setting sun, same as the one we saw together
Although I pretending I have no feeling of it
我都冇辦法唔承認 我失去既野實在太多喇
I couldn’t admit, I lost too much…

I gonna go now
如果你記得返我係邊個 我知道 你一定會 好唔捨得我
If you remember who am I, I am sure you must be reluctant to say bye to me
As well you’ll miss me very much

Sorry for my silly English again and again.
This is translate for my sweet Swiss friend, who love Chinese culture much.
I just want to share, which move me much and makes me cry.

This is the kind of Chinese romantic, very deep emotional, we could wait someone for 3000years.


台長: 吹時
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