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2007-06-23 00:19:01| 人氣142| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Sunday with empty-minded

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Midnight flash back.

Once a weekend, we went to Zhuhai.
We planned to go about 10am, but forgot the reason, we arrived the border gate nearly 2pm.

I was really hungry, but there was a super long queue of macau visiter.
I stayed in the macau visiter queue with you, becuase I just want be with you as long as I could.
But, you seems absent-minded, you didn’t talk, we both slience.
I was sad, because you don’t treasure the time we stay together.
And I was really hungry, felt sick of my stomach, but you never get notice.

Finally, we crossed the 2 long long queues, arrived the under-ground shopping mall.
We ate the Ajisen-ramen, I chose food for you:
Cool salad noodle, sushi and fired octopus piece.
You were happy when ate the salad noodle, this is the only moment you concentrate to me that day.

After food, you wanted the red bean drink.
This is the 1st time I get know you like red bean.
I was happy to discover more about you.

The absent-minded you, walked and walked and walked, seldom talk.
Buying some DVDs, its about 6, we went back, and long queue again.

At the border gate, you received a phone call.
After that, you became a happy silly boy again.

You never know, how cold for me that day.
It was a lonely day, with the empty you.

Although it is not a good memories, but I’m still treasure it.

Yesterday, I went to Zhuhai alone.
Reproduce the way we walked, the food we ate, the memories we made.
The salad noodle tasted really bad with tears...

It was a lonely day.
But, with the empty me.

台長: 吹時
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