On my Own
2002.12.01 (日) 0800-1300
On my Own - 一個人
Artist: Les Miserables
And now I'm all alone again 現在我又 是一個人
Nowhere to turn, no one to go to 無處可去 也 無人可找
Without a home without a friend 沒有家也 沒有朋友
Without a face to say hello to 沒有可打 招 呼的臉龐
And now the night is near 而現在夜 晚已近
I can make believe he's here 我能說服自己 他在 這裡
Sometimes I walk alone at night 有時夜晚 獨自行走
When everybody else is sleeping 當其他人 都 已經沉睡
I think of him and I'm happy 一想到他 我就開心
With the company I'm keeping 能夠保有這個同伴
The city goes to bed 城市漸漸睡去
And I can live inside my head 而我能活 在腦 海 裡
On my own 一個人
Pretending he's beside me 假裝他就在~身邊
All alone 一個人
I walk with him till morning 我與他漫~步天明
Without him 沒有~他
I feel his arms around me 感覺他手~臂環繞
And when I lose my way I close my eyes 而當我迷了路我閉上眼
And he has found me 他已找到我
In the rain the pavement shines like silver 在雨中,小徑上閃~耀如銀
All the lights are misty in the river 而光亮,在河面陰暗迷濛
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight 黑暗中,枝頭上滿是星光
And all I see is him and me forever and forever 我眼中只見他與我到永遠的永遠
And I know it's only in my mind 我知道,這只在腦海中
That I'm talking to myself and not to him 我在跟自己說話而不是他
And although I know that he is blind 雖然他 對我視而不見
Still I say, there's a way for us 我仍說,一定會有辦法
I love him 我愛他
But when the night is over 但當這夜已終了
He is gone 他走了
The river's just a river 河水它只是河水
Without him 沒有~他
The world around me changes 我周遭世界改變
The trees are bare and everywhere 樹葉落盡而處處
The streets are full of strangers 街上滿是陌生人
I love him 我.愛.他
But every day I'm learning 但每天我在~知道
All my life 這一生
I've only been pretending 是自己騙自己
Without me 沒有我
His world would go on turning 他世界仍然旋轉
A world that's full of happiness 那裡富有的快樂
That I have never known 我從來不曾知道~
I love him 我愛他~
I love him 我愛他~
I love him 我愛~他
But only on my own 卻只是單~思~啊~~