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【靈性甚高 知悉求救的野生大型龍膽石斑】(分享就是救生護生)

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【靈性甚高 知悉求救的野生大型龍膽石斑】(分享就是救生護生)
【Please continue reading for English version】
10/03(四),有位長期護持園區的師姐,不停追問學會,是否9月底或10/1搶救了海水魚?學會以為師姐是想要護持,然而答案卻是,師姐睡夢中,有人告知有三隻海水魚需要搶救,夢中的海水魚獲救後,竟有某位高僧大德告知師姐 "魚已經救起來了" !起床後的師姐,當即於10/1(二)當日早上,為此特殊的夢境做出了大發心!
而學會的情況就是,9/29(日) 當日傍晚確實接獲了漁船的通知,有三隻大型龍膽石斑(一隻於運載途中往生)、幾隻野生石斑、七八隻海鰻需要搶救,但漁船卻要到10/1(二)方能入港,學會工作人員特於當日前往海水生態池,迎接此批落難的眾生!
1. 學會統一對外窗口: (06)208-7772
3. LINE ID: a0981552011
4. 信箱: a0981552011@gmail.com
5. 會址: 台南市東區東門路二段八十九號七樓之二
【Wild giant groupers with high spirituality and ability to seek help】(Please share to save & protect animals!)
There are things that we cannot explain in our world. It is inappropriate to simply deny uncommon phenomenons as we still cannot understand all about human and the universe. On others' different views and opinions, we can further study and explore, or to make reference with.
On 3 Oct (Thu), one of our long-time supporters frequently asked if we had already rescued sea fishes in the end of Sep or on 1 Oct. While we thought she would like to make a donation, she told us that somebody had informed her 3 sea fishes needed rescue in her dream on 1 Oct before dawn! She then witnessed the 3 fishes being rescued, and a Master told her "They have been saved!" in the dream. After she woke up on that day, she immediately donated TWD$20,000 with this especially excellent dream.
In fact, we were informed by a fish boat that there were 2 large giant groupers caught (another one passed away during transport), a few wild groupers, 7-8 sea eels needed to be rescued in the evening, 29 Sep (Sun). But the boat could only arrive the harbour on 1 Oct (Tue) that our members came for these animals in help and brought them back to our ecological sea pond.
Giant groupers are the son of the Dragon-king and are noble fishes. Living for at least 7-8 years, they can only grow into 80cm long. They have high spirituality that are considered the gurdian of the sea. Your support and encouragement can offer the chance to escape death for the caught aquatic animals soon to be killed. We sincerely invite you to become the one who practise the giving of fearlessness for all animals.
The Home of Avalokitesvara is a non-profit organization recognized by the governement with receipts for tax deduction in Taiwan. As advised by our legal consultant, please do not publicly share or post our bank account. Please contact us through our email, hotline or EMAIL for support methods.
To enquire, please contact us at
1. Hotline: (06) 208-7772;
2. LINE messenger: 0981552011;
3. Email: a0981552011@gmail.com; or
4. Address: 7F.-2, No. 89, Sec. 2, Dongmen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Remember to dedicate the merits of saving and protecting animals to your karmic creditors and every sentient being in the world by invoking the aid of Buddha:
1. May all sentient beings leave suffering and attain bliss.
2. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
Bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And when this life is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
3. Followed by any other specific best wishes for specific beings.

(Credits to: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and Vajra Bodhi Sea for the translated dedication prayer and Verse of Transference)
恭錄自   臺南市觀音的家佛學會

台長: 妙音

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