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【中秋前夕的羊兒搶救: 動物燒烤的淚流聲】(懇請分享)

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【中秋前夕的羊兒搶救: 動物燒烤的淚流聲】(懇請分享)
【中秋前夕的物命搶救: 花雕雞紅蟳龍蝦龍虎斑前來求救】
【Please continue reading for English version】
1. 學會專線: (06)208-7772
3. LINE ID: a0981552011
4. 信箱: a0981552011@gmail.com
5. 會址: 台南市東區東門路二段八十九號七樓之二
6. 發心後請務必回向。建議回向文請參看下列網址: https://avalokitesvara.tw/activity.php?items=10
圖片: 中秋節前最後一波淘汰羊搶救
【Rescue of goats before the Mid-Autumn Festival: the crying of animals to be grilled for the humans' festive "celebration"】(please share)
【Urgent rescue that need your help before Mid-Autumn Festival: please send support to Haodiao chicken, crabs, lobsters, and dragon-tiger groupers】
It is quite common in Taiwan that many would enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival by having BBQ to celebrate "union" ironically, with one of the main dishes being grilled lamb! However, none of them have ever thought for the crying animals to be killed and grilled; nor cared for the tremendous pain and fear of the animals!
It is an inconvenient truth that the price for a so-called delicacy is cruel slaughter on animals! Many food lovers would only consider BBQ with meat a happy enjoyment for themselves! They would neglect all the pain, fear, tears of animals and the blood shed during slaughter that no animals are willing to be killed. It is irony that the BBQ party is aimed to celebrate union between humans!
The festival itself was a cultural activity for Chinese to celebrate union by sharing moon cakes and grapefruits. It is sad that the festive activity is now becoming grilling animals! The Home of Avalokitesvara sincerely asks for your kindness and help to let more animals (lobsters, crabs, shrimps and dragon-tiger groupers) to be grilled to escape death around the festival and be sheltered in our sanctuary!
To enquire and support us, please contact us at
1. Hotline: (06) 208-7772;
2. LINE messenger: a0981552011;
3. Email: a0981552011@gmail.com; or
4. Address: 7F.-2, No. 89, Sec. 2, Dongmen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Remember to dedicate the merits of saving and protecting animals to your karmic creditors and every sentient being in the world by invoking the aid of Buddha:
1. May all sentient beings leave suffering and attain bliss.
2. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
Bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And when this life is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
3. Followed by any other specific best wishes for specific beings.
(Credits to: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and Vajra Bodhi Sea for the translated dedication prayer [1.] and the Verse of Transference [2.])
Photos: the last batch of retired goats being rescued before Mid-Autumn Festival

恭錄自   臺南市觀音的家佛學會

台長: 妙音

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