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【園區蓮友 救生護生改變命運 真實感應分享】(懇請分享)

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【園區蓮友 救生護生改變命運 真實感應分享】(懇請分享)
【週日新羊區已備妥 請支持整車羊隻搶救活動】(懇請轉貼)
【Please continue reading for English version】

一 救生護生真實感應


















二 園區的請求

週日我們即將攔截一車年節準備送殺的肉羊! 寒冬已至,羊肉爐正大賣,羊兒價格已漲至一隻一萬元,但藏密阿秋法王開示,搶救羊兒等同一位清淨比丘出家一世的功德福田,搶救羊兒功德福田不可思議,可以化解我們多生以來業障!


護生園區聯絡資訊: 觀音的家是政府立案團體,收據可報稅用!但學會並非可公開帳戶的財團社團法人等機構,因此請師兄姐不要公開轉發帳戶,請撥打學會專線或信箱,詢問支持園區的辦法!

1. 學會專線: (06)208-7772
2. 活動訊息: https://avalokitesvara.tw/newsCon.php?ap=6
3. LINE ID: a0981552011
4. 信箱: a0981552011@gmail.com
5. 會址: 台南市東區東門路二段八十九號七樓之二
6. 建議回向文: https://avalokitesvara.tw/activity.php?items=10

三 照片說明: 可以容納千隻以上羊隻的牧場,已然備妥,只等羊兒獲救入住!

【True response sharing from a supporter of the sanctuary - the change of fate through life liberation and protection】(please share)
【Our new goat farm being ready - please support the rescue of a truck of goats】(please repost)

1. True response from life liberation and protection

My response story began since Oct 2016! I did not have luck in having a good relationship. My first relationship started when I was at college overseas. Being young and without much life experience, I had not noticed that my partner

was married (the fact was being hid from me on purpose) that I suddenly became the intruder for the marriage of my partner. Worse still, we had some conflicts in terms of money that I ceased my tertiary education and was on loan. With nobody to share my pain and desperation, I nearly committed suicide; but my anger and worries for my parents who may bear my loan if I was gone hindered me from doing so. But my life after this was affected for several years.

Later on, I had another relationship. Karma is truly inconceivable as I recall on this.
No matter how my friends persuaded me, I only wanted to be with my partner, and had mood swing when we had argument that my daily routine was seriously affected. I usually took leave and headed home because of mood swing. I was sure that this partner was unmarried, but there was a female intruder in our relationship that we always had conflicts. There was a long loomed period that I was in agony but did not want to let go. At last, I accidentally discovered the name of that intruder on the field of "spouse" of my partner's identity card. He then admitted that he got married, and had a female child with her when we were in a relationship.

This extremely ridiculous relationship ended in Oct 2016. I was nearly 30 by then that I was anxious despite that many get married late in nowadays. For me, the age of 20-30 is the most brilliant; but this was not true for my case with loans and torment in mood. I lived with pain and poverty that I barely purchased new clothes in ten years, not to mention go travel, have great meals, dress myself up, and buy accessories etc. like other girls with my age. It was even a luxury for me to grab a coffee at a convenience store.

As the relationship ended and being hopeless, I had a strong dettachment which was calm but not about commiting suicide as I knew it was useless to pass away. I did not possess religions at that time, but believed in ghosts, eternal spirits, after-life and reincarnation like many in Taiwan. Therefore I knew I did not want to experience future life, be it good or bad.

I believed that my thought was known by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.(「起心動念,周遍法界」) I strongly longed for an answer at that moment. I encountered the website of The Home of Avalokitesvara animal sanctuary soon, to read the messages of life liberation and protection; and also the video of Dharma teaching by old Master Chin Kung (on top right corner). Even the video was short (around 1min), this was something I had never heard. I had heard of God, "raising" ghosts, but to me this was not very sensible. I could not understand why one should make ghosts/ heavenly creature s happy to enjoy a good life, even I believe they do exist. And on what criteria God holds to decide arrange an easy or difficult life for one.

To me, human and ghosts/ heavenly creatures should respect one another, just like anonymous. Despite of difficult days, I had only drawn fortune stick for a few times in a lesser respectful manner (distrust ghosts/ heavenly creatures would help me). The results were a bit accurate, but my future was still misty. Witnessing that some got what they wished for while some did not after seeking help from ghosts/ heavenly creatures, I preferred to be on my own and believed in destiny.

After watching the Master's video, I immediately watched the Master's other videos through that link. I was astonished when I learnt that fate could be chchanged that the Master explained very clearly how this works. I therefore determined to try with this incredible fact through my efforts, especially when I had the belief of counting on myself. I completely accepted what the old Master taught. "Fate was created by oneself while blessings should be sought by oneself as well" (「命由己造,福自己求」). If one truly understands karma, he will realize this holds true forever. Knowing how karma works is definitely the most precious truth in the world. You only need to sow a corresponding seed of the fruit which brings what you want.

I really appreciate the Home of Avalokitesvara to let me learn precious and hard-to-encounter proper Dharma in the dharma ending age. I started to make a donation in small amount and participated the rescue of cows for the first time. On my way back from Taipei, some aunties suggested me taking a break and drawing a fortune stick on my relationship with money. But I preferred to spend money for cows to help them escape death, even small amount.

I immediately donated TWD$300 to the sanctuary, and was a bit anxious and excited as this was something new to me. With much anticipation, I just hoped to help the cows from being killed. In the following week, I visited the sanctuary's website daily to read old posts and waited the message of which the cows got rescued with enough donation. I marvelously refrained from meat since then, which was difficult for some as eating meat had long been a habit. But after reading the site, I noticed what on the plate was not food, but indeed a piece of corpse that cried and suffered from brutal slaughter before death.

But the inconvenient truth could not be told to my close ones who ate meat. I was not moved before to refrain from meat when I knew that slaughter was very cruel to animals. This further makes me realize the horror of karma that hindered me from being good. I believe this was the greatest blessing from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to encourage me to have a great, refreshing start. With such clear "response", I have made small donation to the sanctuary ever since 2016. With many questions await, I have listened to Dharma every day since I learnt from the old Master. But I did not dedicate my meritorious virtues at that time due to my misunderstanding (thought the dedication was to seek help from ghosts/ heavenly creatures) and doubts.

Therefore, at that time, I believed in the teaching from the Master and karma, but stuck to my misunderstanding. I could not concentrate to make my dedication prayer as suggested on the sanctuary's website. I had a thought that the karmic creditors around me to just get the unseeable, untouchable meritorious virtues and blessings, as a thought could transcend the Dharma realm; while I chose not to enjoy the blessings. I would continue the donation as this was meaningful to help save and protect lives, which may be difficult for some like the 「於五濁惡世中行此難事」in the Amitabha Sutra. To support such a meaningful sanctury in the nowadays society is really great. But I still had difficulty in dedicating meritous virtues, concentrated reciting Sutras and Mantras.

Even I was lazy and not diligent in practicing Dharma, I was still benefited from life liberation. Firstly, I feel the pliancy of body and mind as the Master said. I was timid and felt insecure, and could not be comfortable in myself and happy. And I was afraid of darkness and being awake at midnight. But after supporting the sanctuary, this negative feelings subsided and I could walk at night alone on pedestrians. I realized this was a fruit of fearlessness as I helped other beings from being fearful. The words from Buddhas are always true and not illusory.

Besides, my career prospect improved. My terrible previous relationship had affected my job that I changed my jobs frequently. In contrary, I have a very stable job with nice supervisor. In spite of bad timing and busy working environment that my colleagues were busy and anxious, I have reduced workloads and good package with positive prospect. I believe this is all the fruit of life liberation and protection but not coincidence. I help beings to be stable so that I get the same blessing.

To pay gratitude to Buddhas and the Master as well as the sanctuary in helping me to encounter proper Dharma, I increased my donation with my salary. I also tidied up my room and donated some books and properties to nurseries, while sold some out and make a donation to hospitals at countryside. I also make regular donation to other charities, and liberate some bought from aquariums to hills. I have not witnessed bazard scene but I am sure that life liberation and protection is the most correct thing to do. When you commit more in this, you can realize more we and animals are just in different bodies with same spirituality and sense when you look at their pictures. We all long to escape death with a helping hand.

Without asking on purpose, the fruits will still come to you for what you sow. I am now confident, fearless of darkness, have a stable job and better finance that I can help the others with my money. My ability and body condition also improve, without having much episodes of flu/cold like before. Even if I have flu/cold now, it will recover very soon and lasted for a day only. I also sleep better. I happened to help rescue a stray cat and met a good guy now. Most importantly, my wisdom opens gradually that I always have a solution soon for my work/ life problems.

Since 2016 to the end of 2019, I still get such great fruits even I was lazy, not to mention those who are diligent in Dharma practice! I sincerely hope more can join saving and protecting lives to changes fates, with just one thought. Namo Amitabha!

2. Appeal from sanctury

We will rescue a truck of goats to be killed on the coming Sunday! As winter arrives that lamb hot pot are "hot" in popularity, the price of a goat has goes up to TWD$10,000. As the Lama Akhyuk Rinponche, Tibetan Buddhism mentioned, the meritorious virtues and blessings of rescuing a goat are the same to a pure Master leaving home. The blessings and meritorious virtues of reducing a goat are inconceivable, and pay our karmic debts from many lives!

Please support and encourage the sanctuary to rescue the goats to be killed, and bring them back before the Lunar New Year. And fight for yourselves to change fates!

The Home of Avalokitesvara is a non-profit organization recognized by the governement. (Tax deductible in Taiwan) As advised by our legal consultant, please do not publicly share or post our bank account. Please contact us through our email or hotline for support methods.

To enquire, please contact us at 
1. Hotline: (06) 208-7772; 
2. LINE messenger: a0981-552011;
3. Email: a0981552011@gmail.com; or
4. Address: 7F.-2, No. 89, Sec. 2, Dongmen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Remember to dedicate the merits of saving and protecting animals to your karmic creditors and every sentient being in the world by invoking the aid of Buddha:

1. May all sentient beings leave suffering and attain bliss.
2. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
Bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And when this life is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
3. Followed by any other specific best wishes for specific beings

(Cresits to: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and Vajra Bodhi Sea for the translated dedication prayer [1.] and Verse of Transference [2.])

3. Explain on photos: farm to accommodate above a thousand of goats is now ready for the rescued goats' "residence"!

恭錄自   臺南市觀音的家佛學會

台長: 妙音

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