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2011-06-02 14:34:02| 人氣1,967| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

the four-year-old who wears a full face of make-up

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Eyeliner, mascara and lipstick... meet Teya Marie, the four-year-old who wants to emulate Princess Tiaamii

By Tamara Cohen

Last updated at 1:59 AM on 2nd June 2011

At four years old, most little girls are busy playing with their toys and finding their feet at school.

But for Teya-Marie, there’s another daily distraction – the beauty regime she follows, with her mother’s help.

Although she has barely started primary school, she wears a full face of make-up, including lipstick, mascara, eyeliner and false eyelashes, most days when she gets home, and already has her own fully stocked make-up bag.

A good influence? Four-year-old Teya-Marie Foster and mother Chelsea

A good influence? Four-year-old Teya-Marie Foster and mother Chelsea

Astonishingly, her disturbingly adult appearance is encouraged by her mother Chelsea Foster, who wants her to emulate Princess Tiaamii, the daughter of glamour model Katie Price, better known as Jordan.

Despite criticism from her daughter’s school and members of the public, she is defiant that it is ‘normal girlie behaviour’ – and even helps her daughter apply her make-up.

What Katie Did Next: Miss Price was criticised last year for letting her wear false eyelashes and lipgloss at the age of two on her reality programme

What Katie Did Next: Miss Price was criticised last year for letting her wear false eyelashes and lipgloss at the age of two on her reality programme

Miss Foster, 23, said: ‘People are shocked when they see her with mascara, but it makes her happy and she looks cute.

We’ve followed Jordan’s reality show since Teya-Marie was tiny. When she heard us talking about the similarity she asked us to call her princess. She loves it and even says “that’s me” when Princess comes on screen.’

Princess Tiaamii, three, is the youngest child of Katie Price and her ex-husband Peter Andre.

Miss Price was criticised last year for letting her wear false eyelashes and lipgloss at the age of two on her reality programme What Katie Did Next.

But Miss Foster, who said she wouldn’t mind her daughter becoming a topless model, added: ‘Seeing Princess having her hair straightened and wearing make-up made Teya-Marie want to copy her.

There’s nothing wrong with Jordan letting her daughter do it – it’s normal girlie behaviour.’


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