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2005-11-10 17:14:39| 人氣1,109| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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For the young men of Le Blanc-Mesnil and hundreds in other impoverished suburbs, one man represents all they find abhorrent in the French government: Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been considered the country’s leading contender in the 2007 presidential elections. Last month, he recommended waging a "war without mercy" against criminals and other troublemakers in the poor areas.

對於這些Le Blanc-Mesnil和數百位其他貧窮郊區的年輕人來說,一個人象徵著所有在法國政府中他們所憎恨的人:內政部長尼可拉斯‧薩科奇,已被視為該國2007年總統大選領先的角逐者。上個月,他建議對犯罪者以及該貧區其他麻煩製造者進行「決不寬待的戰爭」。

A week later, two Muslim teenagers from the northern suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois were electrocuted in a power substation where they were hiding from police who they believed were chasing them. French officials have said police were not pursuing the youths. Their deaths triggered the violence that quickly spread, particularly when Sarkozy called the perpetrators of the violence "scum" and "thugs."


"I’m a citizen of France, but I don’t count," said an athletic 28-year-old who identified himself only as Abdel. With his trim black beard and short hair gelled into shiny black wavelets, Abdel hovered on the edge of the circle surrounding the youths who admitted to their involvement in the violence.

"They call us maggots," added a thin teenager hunched inside a thin polyester windbreaker that offered little protection from the damp chill of a gray fall afternoon.


Beyond their hatred of Sarkozy, the youths involved in the rampages and their companions offer a disparate list of grievances against the government.


Abdel, echoing the anger of many of the youths, said he resented the French government’s efforts to thrust Muslim leaders into the role of mediators between the police and the violent demonstrators.


"This has nothing to do with religion," he said. "But non-Muslims are afraid of people like me with a beard. I look suspicious to them. Discrimination is all around us. We live it every day. It’s become a habit. It’s in the air."


He continued: "I grew
up in France, yet I speak of God and religion. I have a double culture. I belong to both. We should stop the labeling."


Rezzoug, the caretaker, said he has seen local youths struggle with deep personal conflicts caused by their dual cultures. "They go to the mosque and pray," he said. "But this is France, so they also drink and party."


"They also are out to prove to their parents and brothers and uncles they can’t take it any more," he said. "They’re burning the places where they play, where they sit -- they’re burning their own playpens."


Le Blanc-Mesnil is not a community where youths aspire to spend their lives. There is none of the glamour that most of the world associates with Paris, just a 25-minute drive or train ride away. It is an industrial city of boxy apartment complexes and strip malls. In a nation where unemployment has hovered at 10 percent this year, the rates are here four to five times as high among people under 25.

Le Blanc-Mesnil不是青少年所嚮往待一輩子的社區。沒有世上與巴黎最有關係的魅力,有的只是花25分鐘開車或坐火車的距離而已。這是一個有著四四方方公集中式公寓建築和公路旁商業區的工業都市。這國家今年失業率盤旋在10﹪,此地25歲以下人口失業率高達國家的四五倍。

"We feel rejected, compared to the kids who live in better neighborhoods," said Nasim, a chunky 16-year-old with braces and acne. "Everything here is broken down and abando
ned. There’s no place for the little kids to go."


As on most Saturday afternoons, there was little for Nasim or his friends to do. They sauntered among the older youths who spent the late afternoon hanging out on street corners or the sidewalks in front of coffee shops.


Several of the older youths fingered pockets bulging with plastic packets of hashish for sale or trade. As they read local newspaper accounts of their previous night’s
exploits, they began discussing Saturday night’s plans with more of an air of boredom than a commitment to a cause.


"We don’t have the American dream here," said Rezzoug, as he surveyed the clusters of young men. "We don’t even have the French dream here."



台長: SEAN
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