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一位22歲的研究生德密崔.德卡契說: ”

-------------------------- 1.資料來源:衛報 The Guardian
2004/12/3 星期五
Mark Oliver and agencies
Friday December 3, 2004
Ukraine's supreme court today ruled that the result
of the second round runoff vote in the presidential
elections was invalid, upholding an appeal from the
opposition that the poll was rigged.
法院要求在12月26日舉行新的二次決選; 但是,即將卸任的總統
The court called for a new runoff vote to be held on
December 26. But with the outgoing president, Leonid
Kuchma, calling for full new elections, it was still
unclear what form any new poll would take.
Mr Yushchenko prefers a quick rerun of the runoff
and analysts believe this would favour him, not least
because it would have to be against Mr Yanukovich,
rather than a possibly more popular alternative

-----------------------------2.資料來源:衛報 The Guardian
<< 學生以綠色呼籲和平 >>
A tale of two cities: in eastern Ukraine the battle is
to hold a country together, in the west rock music
echoes defiant mood

大衛克勞其 東烏克蘭 卡爾科夫報導
2004/12/2 星期四 < 衛報 >
David Crouch in Kharkov, eastern Ukraine
Thursday December 2, 2004
The Guardian

一種新的顏色浮現在烏克蘭兩極化的政治光譜之中. 基輔的學生
持者, 他們已發起一項名為”我為和平”的”綠色”運動, 目標在於
A new colour has emerged in Ukraine's polarised political
spectrum. Students in Kharkov, worried by the escalating
confrontation between Viktor Yushchenko's orange
revolutionaries and the blue-and-white supporters of
Viktor Yanukovich, have established a "green" movement
called We Are for Peace! with the aim of bringing the two
sides together.

這些學生每天組織一場混雜雙方人馬的橄欖球比賽, 以及
超過一千多條的綠色緞帶. 昨天他們在廣場上立起一棵聖
誕樹, 邀請雙方支持者將橘色和藍色的緞帶綁在樹枝上..
Camped out on Kharkov's freezing central square since
Saturday night, the students have organised a football
match between mixed teams from both sides and more than
1,000 green ribbons each day. Yesterday they erected a
Christmas tree on the square, inviting each side to knot
orange and blue ribbons on its branches.

“我們關注於避免雙方發生群眾肢體衝突”, *德密崔.
"We were concerned to prevent a physical clash between the
two groups," said Dmitry Tkachev, 22, a postgraduate
student at Kharkov State University. "It had reached the
stage where 12-year-old children were having fights in
school over the candidates.
"We want to make people think whether they are being used
by politicians to achieve their self-interested aims."

綜觀烏克蘭首都自1934年發生的重大事件, 看起來各有不一.
但對於反對派給亞努科維奇先生的恥辱, *首都的人民也同感
Seen from Kharkov, the capital of Ukraine until 1934, events
in Kiev look very different. People feel that insults thrown
at Mr Yanukovich by the opposition are also directed
personally at them.

這個人口三百萬的區域中, 有44%的人民認為自己是俄羅斯人-
這數據*可能更高-,並且備受威脅; 他們認為此威脅來自於
Some 44% of the region's 3 million people consider themselves
Russian - the figure is even higher in the city - and feel
threatened by what they see as the opposition's hostility to
Russia and insistence on the primacy of the Ukrainian language.

這個城市星期五一場地方政治及產業*領袖的會議上, 發表一份
東烏克蘭自治的呼籲. 和西烏克蘭分離的想法與卡科夫許多人民
的心聲如出一轍, 他們認為反對派讓他們*無所適從.
On Friday a meeting of regional political and industrial bosses
in the city issued a call for autonomy for eastern Ukraine.
The idea of breaking away from western Ukraine strikes a chord
with many people in Kharkov, who see the orange opposition as
giving them no alternative.

“我不贊成自治, 但若尤申科和亞努科維奇不能在之間取得
和議, 我就不會去投票; 這是避免內戰的唯一方法.” 一位母語是
俄語的牙醫, 27歲的奧雷葛這麼說, “我是烏克蘭人, 雖然西烏克
蘭人會說我不是. 他們要從語言上來分你我.”
"I'm not in favour of autonomy, but if Yushchenko and Yanukovich
can't sort things out between themselves then I wouldn't vote
against, it's the only way to avoid civil war," said Oleg, 27,
a dentist whose first language is Russian. "I am a Ukrainian,
yet western Ukrainians say I am not. They want division along
linguistic lines."

自從1991年獨立後, 學校教育幾乎已全部改用烏克蘭語. 老師
和小朋友在課堂上說烏克蘭語, 但在遊樂場和家裡卻是轉用俄語.
Since independence in 1991, teaching in schools has moved almost
entirely to Ukrainian. Children and teachers speak it in class
but switch to Russian in the playground and at home.

33歲的市場攤販耶芙吉尼亞說, 她烏克蘭語說的很差
不過慶幸她兒子正在學校學烏克蘭語. “應該要有單一的
官方語言. 但是我自己不想被強迫說烏克蘭語. 分化國家
是不對的; 可是如果有公投, 我會對自治投贊成票.”
Yevgeniya, 33, a stallholder, said she speaks Ukrainian badly
but is glad her son is being taught in it at school. "There
should be a single state language. But I don't want to be forced
to speak Ukrainian myself. Dividing the country is wrong, but
if it comes to a referendum than I'll vote yes to autonomy."

上述意見還算溫和. 該城第一大報的一封讀者回函寫著:
“西區在1939才加入我們的國家. 如果他們想要從西方
拿到更多的東西, 就讓他們再「分裂」一次. 為什麼西
烏克蘭人想要否認東區工人投票給亞努科維奇的民主? ”
These are moderate opinions. A reader's letter to the city's
largest newspaper, Vremya, says: "The western regions only
joined our country in 1939. If they want so much to be with
the west, let them 'disunite' once more. Why do western
Ukrainians want to deny democracy to workers in the east who
voted for Yanukovich?"

-李奧尼德.庫奇馬, 1994年承諾讓俄語成為該國的第二
官方語言. 之後, 他就沒再提這個議題, 直到亞努科維奇
The "Russian question" has a recent history in Kharkov. In
1994 Leonid Kuchma, now the outgoing president, promised to
make Russian the country's second state language. He then
dropped the issue until Mr Yanukovich raised it again in the
election campaign, reopening old wounds.

但是自治對於烏克蘭而言充滿了危險. 在星期一場外有大批
有群眾支持的200名市議員會議上, 投票結果一面倒地譴責
獨立自治的聲音. 鐸內次克郊區一群*重要商業人士也發表了
一份阻止所有分裂聲音的呼籲, 雖然該地區議會昨日已制定下
個月舉行的公投日程表; 該公投針對從中央政府釋出更大的自
But autonomy is fraught with dangers for Ukraine. On Monday
a meeting of 200 city councillors, backed by a large crowd
outside, voted overwhelmingly to condemn talk of separation.
A group of leading businessmen in the neighbouring Donetsk
region also issued a call to stop all talk of breaking away,
though the regional legislature yesterday scheduled a referendum
next month on greater autonomy from central government.

很快地走回頭路. 五天後, 他聲明該爭議現已無終而疾.
Yevgen Kushnaryov, Kharkov's regional governor who sparked
the autonomy debate, has been back-pedalling fast. Five days
later he claims the issue is now a damp squib.

“星期五情勢極有可能發展成如西烏克蘭一般, 而我可能會被免職.”
"On Friday there was a threat that things were going the same
way as in west Ukraine and I would be removed from my post,"

他告訴衛報, “所以我必須採取措施確保行政能繼續運作.”
he told the Guardian. "So I had to take measures to ensure
that the administration could continue to function. We didn't
want what happened in Kiev to be repeated in Kharkov."

台長: SEAN
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