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2020-08-09 11:51:22| 人氣569| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Saturday Night

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My father sends me links all the time through WeChat, from heath related articles to Chinese music.  Today I decided to check out one of the music links.  Next thing I know I spent my Saturday night singing along. 

I moved to Canada in 1993 and therefore my exposure to Chinese music is limited.  I don't keep up with the latest trend.  But hearing familiar songs is like time travel, bringing back fond memories.

I remember doing karaoke with high school classmates and university friends back home.  I was shy and uncomfortable singing in front of people.  I'm sure if we do it now, I won't care what others think and probably hog the microphone all night.   

Karaoke by myself can be lonely.  Fortunately, my parrot enjoys singing too.  To be accurate, he loves to chirp and make noises. The louder I sing, the more deafening he sounds.  I think we make a good team!  Hopefully my trailer is insulated enough that my neighbours don't think we are nuts.

He says good night now.  I guess we are done with karaoke tonight.

台長: tabby
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