就是要種樹嘛,對不對? 你們可知道在中華民國以前的
因為它被定在三月十二號, 國父 孫中山先生去世的那一天,
所以肯定是跟國父有關的。為什麼政府會將 國父逝世紀念日
定為植樹節呢?那是因為眼光深遠的 國父早就發現造林的
重要性,他曾特別指出: 「造林是民生建設重要項目」。
所以,政府為了感念 國父締造民國的偉大功績,便定三月十二日
都會舉行造林植樹運動,以實際行動來遵行 國父遺訓。
The Arbor Day
Celebrate trees, they’re great!
The celebration of Arbor Day gives you an opportunity
to learn about trees and take positive action to make
the world a better place.
Here is a quick list of reasons that trees are
so important to us all:
•Trees provide shade to keep us and our homes cool
on hot summer days.
•Trees give off vital oxygen through photosynthesis
which you and I and animals need to breathe.
•Trees absorb harmful pollutants and small particles
from the air which could damage our lungs.
•Trees provide protection from the wind.
•Trees reduce noise pollution.
•Trees give us products such as: chewing gum, crayons, soap,
shatterproof glass, suntan lotion, cork, dyes,
life-saving drugs, writing paper, syrup, perfume,
pencils, firewood, building materials, and much more.
•Trees provide a home and food for wildlife.
•Rotting logs and leaves eventually turn into soil
and put nutrients back into the soil for other plants to grow.
•Trees are beautiful to look at, nice to listen to
as leaves rustle in the breeze, fun to explore,
exciting to climb, and great to dream under.
Extension: 1. What is your favorite thing about trees?
2. Draw a tree of your own.
低年級課程: 與樹相關的閃卡及賓果遊戲
Warm Up Activity: Guessing Game
老師展示出第一張四分之一圖卡, 並請他們猜猜看是什麼.
T: What is it? Can you guess it?
Ss: A glass? A hand? A sink? A flag?
老師卻一直猛搖頭, 他們的答案就停住不動了,
恍然大悟的 ” 喔)))))))))” 就會不約而同冒出來了,
好有默契啊, 真是羣乖孩子. ^__^
(迷之音: 這位老師, 妳為什麼這麼愛戲弄學生且樂此不疲啊!
捉狹鬼老師: 嗯, 這個嘛,~~~~小孩的疑惑, 就是我的快樂,
師者, 傳道, 授業, ” 解惑 ”也, 哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
Main Topic: Who lives in a tree? Q & A Exercise
T: Who lives in a tree? Can you give me some examples?
Ss: A bird. A snake. A koala. A 松鼠. 大猩猩.........
這羣低年級的小孩們用完有限的字彙後, 一連串的中文就跑出來了,
沒關係, 沒關係, 老師教你怎麼說. 順手把閃卡一張一張黏在黑板上.
T: I have some pictures about animals.
They all live in a tree. See.......
” A squirrel lives in a tree. ”
Ss: Wow, so cute.
(老師說: 那當然摟, 這可是我上網精挑細選的照片, 超卡哇依呢!)
T: ” A bird lives in a tree.
A raccoon lives in a tree.
A koala lives in a tree. .......
” A caterpillar lives in a tree.”
Ss: 啊))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
”倒退魯” 好幾步, 然後抱在一起說 ” 好可怕喔” ”好嘔心喔 ”
”好恐怖喔 ”, 這位捉狹鬼老師又在旁邊抱著肚子笑個不停了,
心裡還一直得意的說, .偶就知道妳們怕這鍋....哈哈哈.....)
老師假裝板起臉孔說: ” 各位小朋友, 這可是 Sunny 老師上網
千辛萬苦挑出來的照片耶, 瞧這毛毛蟲, 又肥又大還閃著綠螢光,
身上的每個氣孔, 腳上的每根鋼毛都清清楚楚的, 我才挑中牠的捏! ”
看到那些抱在一起的小女生還是猛搖頭, 臉上閃著驚恐的神色,
還要努力憋著不叫出聲來的模樣, 老師又哈哈大笑了一陣,
揉揉肚子之後才繼續教他們生字唸法, 等全部生字都會唸之後,
就可以玩賓果遊戲, 結束這堂又愛又怕的主題課程.
中年級課程: 閃卡教學 賓果遊戲 讀本練習
還多加閱讀本練習 Who Lives in a Tree?
(東西圖書出版 英語小科學系列)
A: Who lives in a tree? A squirrel lives in a tree.
B: Who lives in a tree? A bird lives in a tree.
C: Who lives in a tree? A raccoon lives in a tree.
D: Who lives in a tree? A koala lives in a tree.
E: Who lives in a tree. A caterpillar lives in a tree.
F: Who lives in a tree. An owl lives in a tree.
G: Who lives in a tree. Sometimes me!
另外再加上進階讀本 Joey the Bird.
(Oxford University Press Storyland Readers Level 4)
故事主角是一隻養在室內的金絲雀 Joey,
展開牠的森林之旅. 在短暫流浪生涯中,
牠了解野鳥的生活環境, 認識蝴蝶蜜蜂等新朋友,
更第一次見到彩虹, 過程新鮮有趣極了.
但從小在溫室中長大的牠, 無法適應野外生活的
滄桑與危險, 蚯蚓軟蟲等食物更是難以下嚥,
啜引清淨涼水,當一隻認命的籠中鳥, 從此日子
平靜無風雨, 就像從前一樣. 不同的是, 窗外
每天都會有新朋友來看牠, 友誼萬歲!