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2003-03-22 13:17:00| 人氣613| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

News Biz:Justice from Gangsters

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Since MP3 technology and CD burners gradually became pervasive, making money is no longer piece of cake for record companies. Even most of the icon singers hurled at such illegal behavior as duplicating and selling unauthorized album copies, the pirate situation got more and more serious. Asked by the press, Jacky Wu, a distinguished singer and narcissistic TV show host, expressed his opinion about how to deal with the age-old private CD/VCD/DVD problem in Taiwan. He argued that making use of the “black society” is not a bad way to settle the problem. Obviously, this is, feasible or not, a huge irony to the authorities concerned. As an artist, such kind of controversial viewpoint may come to mind due to the disappointment toward our government, but it is not what a mature public figure should in favor of.

No doubt that the government has let him and his colleagues down and should attend to holding down those who disobey the copyright law. Tough action is called for. Though we haven’t seen the authority take a hard line against the copycats, by no means is it moral or lawful to ask those immoral and unlawful mobsters to do the crackdown job for us. They themselves are supposed to come to justice, not to do the justice. This is not in the question. Allowing such behavior is definitely more trouble than it is worth.

To be frank, it may spell trouble for Jacky if he would have any connection with those in the underworld because they probably are the wholesalers of the pirate stuffs. Those gangsters can only bully the helpless retailers in the night markets; never ever expect them to take action toward the real tough criminals. What’s more destructive is his bright image as an idol, which is not easily to recover when tainted. Even if he earns more money under this method, how can we measure the better selling performance is the result of “justice from gangsters”, not the better economic situation or attractiveness of the songs in the album?

To sum up, I would rather take his comment as a request shown in a sarcastic way to remind our government and the consumers that solving the private problem rests largely on their shoulders. Asking for gangsters is too surreal to be true.

(Reference: this week’s news)

台長: braveheart
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