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2002-12-18 11:10:28| 人氣366| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My stuff (episode V)--- Military Status Tag

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Military Status Tag (MST) is my mental tutor, some kind of a mind coach. He makes me cool, too. When he is beside me, it is like someone keeping motivating me to go out of my way to accomplish what I want/have to do. He is really a determined guy, who tattooed himself a sentence “ Believe in myself and just do it ” on his body to remind everyone around him to cheer up!

I have kept MST company for six years. I saw him before, but just in the war movies. At that time, I thought he was the symbol of manliness. Being a sophomore, I tried to find someone to adventure the life with me, because sometimes I felt lonely, so eager for a person to share my thoughts. Then, MST came into my life, and he really made things different. One time, I asked him why he carved words on his body. He said that he had some bad experience in lacking of courage and confidence, wanting to keep these lessons in mind and never repeat the failure, and therefore he did so. The story refreshed me very much, and he let me understand what I should develop--- a stronger mind to face obstacles.

MST is a representative of me, too. When my family see him on the desk, which means I am at home. When MST appears on the court that means I play basketball at the same time. Wherever I am, wherever he comes.

Being along with him, my life seems to look forward forever. He is a power of hope for me.

台長: braveheart
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: My Stuff |
此分類下一篇:My stuff (episode VI)--- Memory Stick
此分類上一篇:My stuff (episode IV)--- Swiss Army Knife

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